Hurry up and save me

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Your POV
I shot up to my feet only to be pulled back by a tug at my wrist. I looked and saw that I was handcuffed.
"Morning sleepyheads," the female exorcist from yesterday said.
"What do you want from us," I asked angrily.
"Oh I'm here on direct orders... What were they," she asked thoughtfully.
I looked over at Tyki who was up and glaring at the girl. The girl clapped her hands and said," that's right! I'm here to make you bleed and bruised!"
As she said that, a whip made of innocence appeared.
"Now you," she said to Tyki.
"I know you have the ability to let things pass through your body, but don't try or else your little friend here will have a few extra marks on her, and I won't be gentle," she said laughing.
Tyki tched and grit his teeth.

She started with Tyki. She whipped him hard and blood came out. She laughed at his pain and I couldn't do anything. She left him alone and started with me. Each whip left a burn on my skin. A cut deep that blood poured out. Cuts that were minor. She didn't hold back. I'd try not to yelp or cry out in pain but a few silent yelps escaped which made her hit harder. She took turns with me any Tyki. She tortured us. And I hated her deeply for that. I hated the order. And I hated innocence. I don't know how much time passed before she finally stopped.
"The walls look beautiful stained red," she said sighing.
Putting her whip away she smiled.
"See you tomorrow, if you live through this of course," she said as she left.
"(Y/n).. Are you alright," Tyki managed to ask.
"I'm fine... I don't plan on dying just yet.. What about you," I strained.
"I'll live," he coughed.
"I don't think I will," I said as my vision began to blur.
"Hey.. Don't say that," he said slightly panicking.
"Sorry... But I can't see anymore," I said as tears slipped from my eyes.
"Blood lose.. Damn it," he said.
"Tyki," I said.
I heard the sound of metal and a moment later my wrist was free too.
"I'm here," he croaked.
"It's cold," I said.
Putting the blanket over me, he carefully put his arm across me for warmth.
"Stay awake alright, don't fall asleep (y/n)," he warned.
My eyes were heavy and my heart beat was slow.
"I'll try," I said.
I didn't want to leave him alone here. I didn't want to die. I fought against the feeling of creeping death as much as I could but there's only so much my body could hold out.
"Tyki," I said weakly.
"What is it," he asked.
"I'm sorry," I said letting a few tears slip again.
An explosion was heard faintly but ignored.
"....Don't be. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you," he said.
"It's not your fault, don't blame yourself," I said as a string of coughs came from me.
Blood creeped out of the corner of my mouth and my eyes slowly closed.
"(Y/n)!! Please!!! Wake up!!" Tyki yelled.
"I'm sorry..." I whispered as my body went limp.
Tyki shook me but I couldn't move anymore. Was this what death was like?
I'm sorry.....

Nea's POV
I was finally allowed to get here and kick ass. Wisley kept me under an illusion until the others got to us and now here we are looking for (y/n) and Tyki.
"I swear I'll kill everyone if they laid a hand on her head," I said angrily.
The others blew up everything as I kicked open doors. None of them had who I was looking for. I tried kicking one but it didn't work.
"This one has to be it," Road said.
"Yep," I said as I kicked harder.
The door broke off and the first thing we saw was blood. Everywhere. Lots of it. I scanned the room and saw what looked to be Tyki.
"Tyki," road said happily as she walked in.
We walked in and saw that he was covered in blood and he was next to someone else.
"(Y/n)," I said with wide eyes.
I ran over and saw her. She was pale and I couldn't tell if she was breathing.
"(Y/n)," I asked panicking.
Oh please no. Don't take her.
"Tyki are you alright? What happened," road asked.
"They had an exorcist come in and whip us using innocence.... We couldn't do anything or it'd be worse," he croaked.
I checked her for a pulse and if I wasn't paying attention I probably wouldn't have found the very faint pulse.
"We need to get them out of here," I said as I picked (y/n) up carefully.
"Let's go home," road said helping Tyki.
The others came and saw as well.
"Let's leave with a parting gift shall we," the Earl asked.
"Tear them to shreds," I said, hatred boiling in my body.
"I wouldn't have it any other way," he said.
We got out using the ark and Akuma attacked them.
"Earl please help them," road said motioning to Tyki and (y/n).
"Of course," he said.
He put his hand on (y/n)s head and sighed. He used his powers to stop the bleeding.
"Even if I can stop the bleeding, it seems like she's hanging by a thread. She needs immediate attention," he said.
He put his hand on Tyki's head and stopped his bleeding.
"You're lucky to be standing, you'll need immediate attention too," he said.
"Then let's go home," road suggested.
"It's seems like we just might have to," he said.
"Actually, I think Road, Nea, and I have got it from here on, the rest of you could finish off the missions," Wisley suggested.
Moving the hair from (y/n)s face, I saw a cut on her cheek.
"Very well, I'll leave you to it. You can go back home, we got it from here," the Earl said as they left.
Wisley helped with Tyki and I opened the gate again. We got home and carefully put them on the recovery beds. Road got some warm water into buckets and passed them to me and Wisley along with rags.
"Let me get bandaids and anti-disinfectant," she said going through the drawers.
I carefully wiped the blood off her and had to change the water a lot because of how much blood there was. I'd pulled the curtain between the two as road said because she didn't care if they were injured (y/n) is still a lady and needs her privacy. I had to lift her a few times to get the ones on her back as well before I finished cleaning the blood. I disinfected the wounds and my blood boiled just looking at them.
"I should have let them burn," I said.
"Even if you would have, what exactly would you accomplish," Wisley asked.
"I don't care. They hurt the love of my life and my friend. They deserve to burn," I said distastefully.
"Nea calm down please, we're all upset but right now we have to get them back here to us," road said.
It was quiet again and I'd already started bandaging (y/n) up. I bandaged her arms all the way to her shoulders, her legs from feet to thighs, stomach, and her cheek. Seeing a bump on her head that had blood as well, I cleaned the blood off and wrapped a bandaid around her head.
"I'm sorry (y/n)... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you," I said as I held her hand gently.
I put my forehead to her hand and kept on apologizing. Even if no amount of words could express how sorry I was, I'd never stop saying it.
Wake up soon...

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