A bittersweet parting hurts, even if its just for a moment...

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Ayaka:T^T neahhhhhhhh
Neah: Shhhhh it's ok *hugs*
Ayaka: *huggles*
Sorry guys XD
Neah: *chuckles* I love my fangirls *winks and hugs everyone*
Neah's POV
I'd kiss her everyone in a while and hummed lightly.
"I love you Neah," she mumbled holding onto me tightly.
"I love you too," I said running my hand through her hair.
Only 30 minuets had passed and it was now 4:30. Good. More time. (Y/n) looked up at me and kissed me. I kissed her back, shocked at her actions but not complaining. We parted and she smiled. I smiled at her back and she yawned.
"Tired," I asked.
"No," she said obviously lying.
"Yes you are, you're a horrible lier," I said chuckling.
"Only to you, I'm pretty good with anyone else," she said matter-of-factly.
"I'm sure," I said playfully rolling my eyes.
She laughed and yawned again. She snuggled against me again and I reran my hand through her hair. She got my hand and put it on her waist then started running her hand through my hair.
"What's this about," I asked.
"I like your hair, it's soft," she said.
I smiled and continued humming.
"Come back safely please," she said quietly.
"I will, I promise, and I'll come back as fast as I can," I said hugging her tightly.
She held onto me tightly and snuggled against me again. I sighed and hummed while she relaxed again.
"Heh you should give me one of your jackets. That way I know I'll see you again because you have to come back for it," she suggested.
"If it'll make you feel happier then I'll give you one," I said smiling.
It felt nice, having the love of my life right here besides me. She's comforting me while not even knowing it. I'm glad I'm the one on the line and not her, I'd probably rush on in just to keep her out of the line of fire. (Y/n)s movements became slow and her grip weakened. She was falling asleep again. I kissed her forehead and her breathing evened.
"good night, (y/n). I love you," I said as I hugged her tightly for a moment before letting her go.
I got off her bed and put the blanket over her. Then I packed her a bag with clothes and other stuff she'd need. 5:17. I sighed and went to my room to pack my stuff. Took me about 10 minutes to pack my things so I decided to shower.
-Timeskip, don't be disappointed ladies, one day-
After I got out of the shower I dried my hair with my towel and decided I'd do something before it was time to go.

I took both mine and (y/n)s bags downstairs.
"Neah, why do you have (y/n)s bag," Road asked me.
"(Y/n) is asleep so I decided it'd be easier to let her be and just take her bag to the carriage where she'd be," I said.
"Oh, how nice of you," she said smiling.
"I try. Anyways which cart is it? I should put mine in the one I'll be in too," I said.
"Ours is the one with the black horses, (y/n)s is the one with white horses," she said.
"Thanks road," I said going to to carriages.
"Anytime," she said waving.
I put (y/n)s bag on one of the seats carefully and then put mine in my carriage. I went back inside and back upstairs. I read a clock as I passed by, 5:50. My chest started to ache slightly and I sighed. I stopped by my room to get a jacket and then went to (y/n)s room to find her still sleeping. I smiled and went over to her bed. I picked her up carefully bridal style and put the jacket over her. She smiled slightly and i walked back downstairs.
"Neah, what are you doing," whisley asked.
"Bringing the sleeping beauty over here down stairs," I said.
"Right," he said.
"Anyways here, it'll be better if you let her sleep. She's not gonna be happy when she wakes up though," I said sighing.
"Yeah, that would be tuff," he said thoughtfully.
"Stop reading my mind," I growled.
"*laughs* anyway yeah I'll make sure she stays asleep for a while," he said.
I carefully passed him (y/n) and said,"take care of her. I don't want one scratch or anything on her."
"You have my word," he said.
"Thank you, Whisley," I said.
"Time to go!" The Earl said.
I readjusted the jacket on (y/n) and went straight to my carriage. Intent on not running back to her. She's safe, it's fine. The carriage moved Andi looked out my window, already missing my beautiful girl.

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