Baking time!

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Your POV
"Road," I called out.
"In the kitchen," she responded.
I walked into the kitchen and saw lots of supplies out. A bit of mix was splattered everywhere and I laughed.
"It's not easy doing it by myself you know," she huffed.
"I know I know, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting," I said.
"Alright you can make the tiny cupcakes and the big cake. We can both decorate the big cake though seeing as how I don't want you to over do it," she said as she mixed cookie dough.
"I'm fine, promise," I said as I got out some batter and the pan.
"Alright just say take a break when you need to," she said.
"I will," I said as I began mixing.
We'd sing a bit and laugh when the flower bag ended up being hard to open so when I helped it landed on both of us. It happened twice.
"We should make the others clean," road said.
"We should," I agreed, getting icing ready.
"Yeah Jasdevi should be able to handle it," I said thoughtfully.
"Mhm," she agreed.
We'd been baking for about an hour going on two. I loved baking with Road, we ended up playing while working. Of course we weren't spared the lecture from Tyki that usually happened.
"How's Nea," road asked.
"I think he's still asleep, he was asleep when I left," I said.
"Makes sense, he never left your side. I don't even know how much sleep he got," she said.
It was quiet as I thought more about what road said.
Nea....what have you gone through while I was gone....
Tears slipped my eyes and did not go unnoticed by Road.
"(Y/n), are you alright," she asked worriedly.
"I still can't believe he did that... Why... Does he know how much damage he could've or has done to himself," I said shakily trying to calm down.
Road hugged me and patted my back.
"It's alright (y/n), we made sure he ate, drank, and showered, even if we had to drag him to do it," she said.
"Thank you... But still," I said.
"Come on (y/n), you wouldn't expect him to just leave you there, he wanted to burn and kill all those exorcists one by one after he found you," she said.
The timer rang and I checked on the cake. I got it out and let it cool down before putting icing.
"Go shower, I got this," she said gesturing to the cake.
"Are you sure? I don't want to let you do it alone," I said.
"Hey Wisley," she called.
Wisley popped into the kitchen and asked," whattttt?"
"Help me frosting the cake! (Y/n) needs to get ready for dinner," she said.
"Alright," he said.
"See? It'll be fine, now go," she said shooing me slightly.
I laughed and left to my room. I stopped to pass by the livingroom and check on Nea. I saw him still asleep with Lulubell at his feet in her cat mode. I laughed slightly and went upstairs. I went to my room and got my white cotton dress that had lace sleeves and reached a bit above my knees, I also got my underclothes. Might need those. I got the bath ready and undressed. I stepped in and sighed as the warm water enveloped me. It felt so relaxing!


After getting out, I made sure my hair was really dry and combed it. It was still slightly wet but oh well. I got out of the bathroom and put on my black ankle high boots that I had near my night stand. I looked at my night stand and saw my music box. I sat on my bed and grabbed it. I opened it and heard the oh so familiar song play. I laid against the bed and closed by eyes. I had the box next to me and my hands across my stomach. I relaxed with the song and before I knew it, I was asleep.

Nea's POV
I woke up and yawned. Man I can't believe I fell asleep. I sat up disturbing Lulubell's nap.
"Sorry Lulubell," I said.
She laid down again as I got up. Wait where's (y/n)? I went into the kitchen and saw Jasdevi cleaning up.
"Hey you two, do you know where (y/n) is," I asked.
"Nope sorry, try asking road," they said.
"Alright thanks," I said as I went to find road.
"Oh hey lulu," I said stopping in the living room.
She looked at me.
"Do you know where (y/n) is," I asked.
She nodded and used her arm to point up.
"Upstairs," I asked.
She nodded and I ran upstairs. Is she better to be walking up here?! What if she's passed out somewhere?! Damnit! Not seeing her anywhere in the halls I saw Wisleys door open and slammed his door open. He looked at me from his book and said," her room."
"Thanks," I said as I closed his door. I got to her room and saw her on the bed. The sound of our song made its way to my ears and I saw the music box on the bed next to her. I walked over and saw (y/n) asleep with her white laced dress and one hand on her stomach while the other was close to her face: I smiled relieved she was ok. She had her hair spiraled across her face and I chuckled. I closed the music box and carefully moved the hair from her face. Her eyes opened slightly and she smiled.
"Nea," she said tiredly.
"I'm right here," I said as I sat on her bed.
"I love you," she said.
"I love you too," I replied smiling at her.
I leaned over and pecked her lips.
"Stay asleep if you want," I said.
"No, I'm going back," she said.
"Are you sure," I asked.
She nodded and sat up.
"Please don't over do it," I said concerned.
"I'll be fine, besides I have you so I'm even better," she said.
She stood up and motioned for me to get up too. I got up and she intertwined our hands. I picked up her hand and kissed the back of it. She pulled her hand away and before I could ask anything. She hugged me pushing me slightly and I stumbled and landed on my back on her bed. Quiet cries escaped her lips and I began worrying.
"Are you alright (y/n)? Does anything hurt? Do I need to get the Earl," I asked.
She shook her head and said," you idiot."
Well at least she's ok.
"What'd I do this time," I asked jokingly.
"It's not funny Nea," she said as she looked at me.
She had her hands besides my head to support herself and knees on either side of my waist. (A/N: no not in a pervy way) Tears fell from her eyes and she looked upset. The kind of upset that you cry but you're pissed. I wiped her tears away with my thumbs.
"Then explain," I said.
"Road told me what they had to do. When you said you hadn't kept up with what you needed I thought you meant going to missions and exercising and a little bit of eating. I didn't think they had to force you to drink, eat, and shower," she said shakily.
"No! Now you're going to listen! While I was in my 'coma' I never stopped thinking about you. Where were you? Were you ok? Was I dead? What would happen to you if I was dead? I want you to keep living and smile and laugh. I love you Nea Campbell, more than anyone or anything in the entire world. But I never want to hear that you went into a state like that. I want to know you're ok, that you never risked your health because of you did I don't know what I'd do," she said shakily.
"(Y/n), listen," I said gently.
She laid against me again and hugged me tight. I hugged her and she kept crying.
"I know what I did. I know it wasn't good for me but I couldn't leave your side. I hated to, even if I had to go to the restroom or something. They forced me to do those things, I won't deny it. I know you're upset but hey, I'm still here aren't I," I said.
"That's not the point," she whimpered.
"To me it is... Hey look at me," I said.
She looked at me and I smiled softly, wiping her tears away.
"Come on beautiful girl, smile," I said.
She didn't.
"Please," I asked.
She smiled slightly and I chuckled.
"There we go, my ray of sunshine," I said.
I sat up and she sat on my lap. I pulled her closer to me until we were only an inch apart. Her eyes fluttered shut and I kissed her deeply. She wrapped her arms around my neck and responded with just as much affection. I nibbled her bottom lip and she allowed me entrance. No fights, just a slow loving kiss. Actual french kissing. I swear I was drunk on the feeling. I explored a bit before returning to our tongues twirling. Her hands ran through my hair slowly and I pulled her closer, our bodies now touching completely. After a while, we pulled away gasping for air. A pink color tinted her cheeks and I laughed slightly. We stayed in the comfortable silence between us until we both caught our breath.
"Ready to go beautiful," I asked.
She nodded and stood up. I stoop up as well and opened the door.

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