Mission Begin

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Your POV
"(Y/n), wake up," whisley said as he shook me.
"I'm up, I'm up," I said groaning.
"Well hurry and get dressed, we have our mission today," he said.
I got out of bed and chose to wear my favorite outfit, my (f/c) normal shirt, my jeans, and my ankle high combat boots. I brushed my (h/l) hair and left it loose. I then got Neah's jacket and put it on me.
"Oh! Forgetting one thing," I said as I got my necklace with a black diamond charm.
Neah's jacket was white so it went perfectly with my outfit. I went downstairs and met up with Tyki and Whisley who were already in their human looks. I changed into my human look and we all got in the carriage.
"Sleep well," Tyki asked.
"I guess so," I said.
"Well it is a new place, it might take some time to adjust," he said.
"Yeah, anyways we have 2 classes. We should have them together, the point is to collect information about any innocence. They have a unique way of showing themselves so just listen," whisley said.
We nodded and the carriage stopped. We got out and walked into the school.
"Names," a guard asked us.
"Tyki Mikk, Whisley Kamelot, and (y/n) (l/n)," Tyki said.
"Ah the new transfer students, right this way," the guard said as he led us to the classroom.
He knocked on classroom door 113 and a man opened it. The guard and teacher had a short conversation before the guard left.
"Alright everyone, looks like we have some new students," the teacher said.
"Walk in one at a time and introduce yourselves," the teacher said.
"(Y/n)," Tyki and Whisley said.
I walked into the room with that grace I used. The room went quite as all eyes were on me.
"I'm (y/n) (l/n). I'm a transfer student and I hope to enjoy this class," I said.
A few boys looked at me and joked with a few others so I sighed and walked over to them.
"Is there a problem," I asked.
"Pft not at all cutie," the boy flirted.
"You may flirt with me when I seem you worthy," I said.
"That so? What if I said that I didn't care," he asked.
"Then I'd look in that journal of yours that has steam pouring out of it," I said as I walked away.
The boy yelled and tried to put out the fire in his journal. I sat down and Whisley walked in.
"I'm Whisley Kamelot, I hope to enjoy my time here," whisley said as a few girls started at him dreamily.
Whisley winked at them and sat next to me. Tyki walked in and the girls went wild.
"Geez Tyki, how unfair," whisley mumbled.
"Whisley you'll live," I said playfully.
"Hey I'm not the one who burned the boys notebook," he whispered.
"That's a bad thing," I asked.
"Nope, high five," he said as we high fives.
"I'm Tyki Mikk, I look forward to my time here as well," Tyki said as he walked and sat next to me as well.
"Alright, welcome to the class you 3. I'm Mr.Maes and I don't tolerate bad behavior," he said eyeing us.
"We don't give trouble unless it ends up at our doorstep sir," whisley said smiling.
Mr.Maes sighed and continued teaching. This was going to be a long mission.

I fell asleep and was woken up by a ruler slamming on my desk.
"Ms.(y/n), since you have so much time on your hands you'll be doing all 10 problems on the board," Mr.Maes said angrily.
I looked at him and then at the board.
"Are you sure about that teach," I asked.
"Yes, now go," he said.
"If you say so," I said yawning and getting up.
Everyone laughed at me as I got the chalk and started answering the questions. Childs play actually.
"You see kids, don't fall asleep in class unless you have brains to back it up," I said as I wrote the answers.
"Because teachers will pick on you the moment they think you're not paying attention," I finished and looked at the class.
"But of course the look on their face is priceless when they're so very wrong," I said pointing to Maes who looked at the board shocked.
Everyone went quiet and I smiled as I went back to my seat.
"Am I right Mr.Maes," I asked smirking.
He grumbled and went back to the front of the class.
"I'm so proud," whisley said while fake crying.
"Nice work (y/n)," Tyki said.
"Awww thanks guys," I said smiling.
"Oh Mr.Maes I wouldn't mind doing that again when you think you've got something more complicated," I said.
"Beginners luck only runs so far Ms.(y/n)," he said.

Neah's POV
Hunting exorcists gets boring after a while. Especially when we've completed the kill list. I sighed as I looked at the bodies on the floor. I turned around and took a step forward. I put my hand behind me and caught an arrow. I looked at it and then at the person with a bow.
"You damn Noah. I'm not letting you leave here alive," the exorcist said angrily.
"You would've done good to lie down and die," I said as I appeared behind him and twisted his neck.
His body went limp and I sighed. I looked up at the sky and wondered how (y/n) was doing on her mission. I hope she read the letter and that she's ok. No. I'm sure she's safe, she's got Tyki and Whisley. I'll have their heads if I find her with a scratch. I walked around debating on what to do next

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