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Your POV
"Nea! Nea! Nea please wake up," I yelled.
The exorcist laughed and if looks could kill, he'd be dead 100x over. Tyki kept trying to fight but he didn't have his butterflies like usual and they already hurt his hands.
"Tyki be careful," I said pleadingly.
He nodded and looked at me with wide eyes.
"(Y/n)!! Behind you!!" He yelled.
I turned around and I passed out.


I woke up groaning with a killer headache. I tried moving but my wrists were tied to a chair. My Noah powers didn't work back then so I doubt they'll work now. Worth a shot. I tried summoning a fire from my finger tips to no success.
"Finally awake," a female voice asked.
I looked up and saw a girl with blonde hair. She wore the exorcist outfit too.
"Where am I," I asked.
"North American Branch, no one will find you here. At least not alive any way. You're being executed in 2 days," she said.
2 days?! Executed?!
"Where are my friends," I asked.
"They're long gone, besides this one of course," she said as she pointed to the unconscious Tyki.
"What do you mean long gone?! Where are they," I asked angrily.
"You've got an attitude for someone who only has one friend left, and from what I heard, you're single," she said smirkin.
She closed the door and I was frozen in place. Nea.... Are you really gone...
I kept trying to escape the binds but it only caused it to dig into my wrists. Blood leaked out and I sighed flinching slightly. I used my blood that spilled and made it at least good enough to cut the rope. I cut it carefully and successfully cut them. After cutting all my binds I went over to Tyki.
"Tyki, wake up," I said.
No response. I cut his binds and moved him to a bed that looked like the ones in prison. I carefully laid him down and used my hair pin to move the hair from his face. I sat down on the floor near his bed and slumped. It was quiet, I felt like I should've done more but they cut my Noah powers so I couldn't do too much except watch because my hands were also bound. Tears fell from my eyes and I silently began crying. Nea.... Wisley..... I hugged my knees to my chest and stayed like that. A moment later I felt a hand on my head. I looked up and saw Tyki awake.
"Are you ok? Does anything hurt," I asked him quickly.
"I'm fine (y/n), just a headache," he said as he tried sitting up.
He flinched and sucked in air, putting a hand on his stomach.
"Lie down, you're hurt," I said helping lay back down.
"Nothing that will kill me," he said.
"That may be true but rest," I said.
He sighed and closed his eyes relaxing. I started patting his head in a soothing beat and he chuckled lightly.
"You used to do that when you first came to us. Whenever I napped you always seemed to end up doing that," he said smiling.
"Yeah, it always happened as a reflex. You always seem calm and collected but I still feel the need to comfort you," I said.
"Looks like you're the one who needs comforting now though," he said.
"Tyki they're gone," I said quietly," and soon we'll be too..."
"(Y/n), what are you talking about," he asked confused.
I stopped the beat and began crying again.
"An exorcist said we'd be executed in 2 days and that Nea and Wisley are dead," I said.
"What," he shocked.
I nodded and he put his hand on my head.
"We'll get out of here, and then we'll see for ourselves if they really are gone," he said.
"How? We can't even use our Noah powers," I said.
Picking up his hand, a purple flame appeared.
"We can apparently," he said extinguishing the flame.
Looking at my hand, the familiar (f/c) flames appeared at my finger tips.
"Perhaps the temporary sleep we were put under had something to do with it not working at the time," he said as he looked at my wrist.
I put my hand down and he narrowed his eyes.
"What happened," he asked.
"I struggled against the rope they had on me," I said.
He sighed and burned a piece of blanket away. He got the cloth and carefully got my arm. He wrapped it around my wrist like a bandaid.
"Thanks," I said.
"It would have become infected, next time be careful," he said.
"Ok," I said.
"Rest, when we wake up tomorrow we'll get out," he said patting my head.
I nodded and stood up.
"Need anything," I asked.
"No, I'll be fine thank you," he said as he closed his eyes.
I went and laid down on the bed on the other side of the room. I put the thin blanket over me and tried to sleep but I couldn't stop worrying. Where's nea? Is he ok? Was that exorcist right? What about Wisley? Was he ok too?
Please be ok.....

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