
661 18 1

Your POV
I woke up and threw my blanket over my head.
Too lazyyyyyyyyy
"(Y/n), you up," Whisley asked through my door.
"Yeah come in," I said sitting up, pulling my blanket off me.
Whisley walked in and smiled at me.
"You look refreshed," he said.
"Is that sarcasm," I asked.
"Not at all," he said walking over and sitting next to me.
I remembered Neah and hugged my pillow tightly.
"I'm gonna kill him," I mumbled.
"I didn't do anything," he said putting his hands up.
"No not you, Neah," I said laughing.
"Why Neah," he asked.
"He fucking forced me to sleep," I said grumbling.
"Ohhhh," he said.
I grumbled more and he laughed.
"(Y/n)!! You're awake," Road said as she came into my room.
"Morning Road," I said happily.
"Morning? (Y/n), it's 3 in the afternoon," she said.
"....well it's morning for me," I said shrugging.
"Speaking of which, the Earl is back! He has a new mission for a few of us but details are not known until we all gather," she said.
"When's the gathering," I asked.
"In about 15 minutes," she said.
I jumped out of bed and stated getting ready.
"Shitshitshitshit! Why didn't you guys tell me earlier," I said as I changed in the bathroom.
"Why do you think I was here," whisley said.
"Well you didn't say anything," I said.
"That's because you're pissed at Neah and didn't give me a chance to say anything," he said.
"Well you didn't try," I said angrily and brushed my (h/l) dark purple hair.
I decided to leave it loose and flowing. I finished and double checked I put on the dress right. It's normal store around here, white clothes. My dress was kinda like roads but doesn't poof out that much. I put on my knee high white boots and rushed around doing late things.
"Alright let's go," I said running down stairs.
Whisley and Road walked but me being me ran and well.. Missed a step. I tripped trying to gain my balance and before I would fall about a story or 2 off the stairs, warm arms wrapped around me. I looked up and saw Neah worried.
"You ok? You didn't get hurt did you," he asked looking at me and my ankles.
"Huh? Oh right uhhh no I'm fine. Thanks for the help Neah," I said laughing nervously.
"I thought she said she was mad at him," road told Whisley.
"I thought so too," whisley said.
"That reminds me," I said looking at Neah angrily.
"Uh oh," he said.
"Yeah uh oh is perfect. Would you mind explaining what the hell that was about?! You didn't have to force me to sleep y'know! I would've eventually fallen asleep," I said angrily scolding him.
This went on for a good while before Jasdebi ran down the stairs at full speed and I fell forward due to their amazingly wind left trailing after them. We were on a flat surface so we didn't fall down stairs I just fell onto Neah. I instinctively put my hands out and shut my eyes. When I noticed nothing moving and a few gazes on me I opened my eyes and saw that I was straddling Neah with my hands beside his head.
"Hm didn't know you wanted me that bad (y/n)," Neah teased.
I blushed and said," that is not what's going on here!"
He put his hands behind his head and smirked.
"Then care to explain why your actions speak otherwise," he asked.
"What do you mean? I'm acting perfectly fine," I said looking straight at him.
"Let's see, you're still on me, you're blushing, and I'm just taking a guess on this last one but your pulse is racing," he said. With a serious face, he reached out to place a hand on my cheek, I froze in place unsure of what to do. His hand went to my neck and stayed for a second before he said smirking," look at that, it is racing."
He laughed and never in my life had I been So pissed! I fucking had a crush on him for about 1 1/2 years and he always did this. He always teased and when I thought he'd become serious, he'd just continue joking. I wasn't just pissed, I was hurt. But go figure right? Like he'd ever fall for a girl like me. I put my arms crossed slightly and looked down.
"Neah... You're such an asshole!" I yelled at him.
I got off him and sat at my spot at the table, quietly, waiting for the meeting to start. Everyone chatted and Tyki looked at me.
"(Y/n) is something bothering you," Tyki asked.
"Not really," I said sinking into my chair.
"Then why are you sulking," he asked.
"Don't worry about it...," I said quietly.
Tyki looked at me thoughtfully and smiled gently.
"Neah," he asked.
I shifted in my seat and Tyki sighed.
"What's he gone and done now," he asked sighing.
I told him what happened and he paused before answering.
"Well perhaps Neah was just trying to lighten the situation," he suggested.
"That's the most crappiest explanation you've ever given," I mumbled.
"Well then let's try another approach, try telling him how you feel. It's Neah were talking about after all, he can't take a hint of it was right in front of him," he said shaking his head sighing.
"And suppose I do, what's to say that he understands and doesn't return my feelings and just laughs at me," I said sighing sadly and outing my head on the table.
"That's the worst case scenario but try thinking a bit more up beat. Try telling him when you feel it's right, but here's a bit of information you might want to know, these missions will take a while and if either of you is chosen you'll miss your chance," he said ruffling my hair.
"*sighs* you're right," I said.
"Hello everyone~ how are you all," the Earl asked happily.
"Good afternoon Millennium Earl," we said.
"Alright, today's topic is missions. I'll be picking a few to help on a mission to go undercover as students and get information while another few go with me and we go on a hunt," the Earl said.
We nodded and he continued," the ones that will go undercover are (y/n), Tyki, and Whisley. The ones who will go with me are Road, Jasdebi, and Neah. The rest of you will be up to date on information about innocence, so keep up with it," the Earl said.
We all nodded and dinner was served. We ate and continued chatting. Before we knew it, we had spent 3-4 hours just sitting at the table. Everyone helped pick up afterwards so I washed plates.
"(Y/n), you can leave them there. I'll do them later," the Earl said.
I smiled at him and said,"no it's ok, I dont have anything else to do except get ready for tomorrow."
"Alright but feel free to leave some behind," he said as he left.
"I'll help," Road said as she started washing dishes too.
"It's ok Road, you don't have to," I said.
"Of course I do! You can't do it by yourself, it'll take forever," she said.
"Then how about I wash as well and Road you dry the dishes and put them away," Tyki said.
"Hey! The gangs together! We're just missing Whisley," I said laughing.
"He had a headache again so he's gone to rest," Road said.
"Oh, I hope he'll be ok for tomorrow," I said.
"He will, I'm sure the headache will be minor," he said.
When I got more soap I made a bubble mountain and blew on it. Road and I stifled our laughs as we looked at Tyki who now had a bubble beard. We burst out laughing and Tyki smiled too. We finished washing and drying quickly after that and I said," thanks for helping guys."
"Of course, we can't let you do it alone," Road said happily.
I smiled and said," alright then, I'm off to shower then sleep. Night you two."
I hugged them and then went to my room to shower.
-Timeskip for bath time-
After my bath, I decided to go onto the roof to clear my head. Before I climbed out my window, I put on a jacket and then went to the roof. It was a starry night with a breeze and I was relaxed immediately. Thinking about Neah, I sighed. Why must he be so cruel? Thinking it over now, I decided I'd tell him either before or after the mission. If I waited 1 year and a 1/2, I can wait a while more. A shouting star passed and I made my wish.
I wish things with Neah could be easier, I know he cares... I think... But just once, I want to clearly know. I want to clearly know his thoughts and why he does what he does.
Who am I kidding... Like that'd ever happen... I sighed and pulled my knees to my chest.
"If you stay out here any longer you'll risk catching a cold," a familiar voice said from behind me.

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