Slumber party

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Your POV
"How about a slumber party," Nea asked everyone.
"Will there be snacks," I asked.
"I think I can plan that out," the Earl said.
"Yeah I don't see why not," Road said.
Everyone agreed.
"Alright then, everyone go get blankets, pillows, and change into night clothes. This party will be in the livingroom," the Earl said.
Everyone got up and went to get their stuff. Nea still wouldn't let go of me and I laughed.
"Come onnnnn first come first serve and I want the couchhhh," I whined.
"Good point, let's get packing," he said hurriedly and let me go, running to his room.
I laughed and sat up. I changed into my (f/c) fuzzy pajama pants and a spaghetti top to match. I grabbed my blanket and pillow then went down stairs. Nea was already on the couch laying down while reading. He was so into the book, he didn't even notice me. I laughed quietly and set my pillow by the couch. He was laying on his back and had the book in the air. I carefully laid on top of him and he chuckled.
"Beautiful girl when did you get here," he asked.
"Not long ago, I'm surprised you didn't notice," I said.
"Sorry, guess the book got too interesting," he said.
"It's fine," I said as I put my head in the crook of his neck.
He wrapped his arms around me and continued reading the book. I closed my eyes and relaxed.
"Awwww they beat us to it," Devit said.
"Leave them alone, they're so cute," Road said happily.
"Alright then everyone gets either the other couches, air mattresses, or blankets on the floor," Tyki said.
Road got one of the chairs, Wisley got an air mattress, Fiidora got the floor, Desires got an air mattress, Jasdevi got the other couch, and Lulubell got her cat bed.
"Earl, will you not be joining us," Wisley asked.
"No, I believe I'll be fine in my room," the Earl said.
"Alright then, goodnight," Road said.
"Goodnight," everyone said.
"Night everyone," the Earl said as he left.
Everyone got comfortable in their areas and talked again.
"Nea, is (y/n) awake," Desires asked.
"Hey, you awake," Nea asked.
"Yeah," I muttered.
"Yeah," Nea said.
"Good, how are you feeling (y/n)," Desires asked.
"I'm felling good, maybe a goods night rest with my wonderful family and amazing boyfriend is just what I need," I said looking at him and smiling.
"Amazing in bed," Fiidora snickered.
Everyone burst out laughing and Nea smirked.
"Don't even think about it," I warned him.
"Not denying I'm not, but I don't think that's what she's referring to," Nea said.
I hit him lightly and he laughed.
"Then rest, we have all the time in the world," desires said.
I nuzzled against Nea again and relaxed. I wonder if Nea really understands how much I love him, and how much I love cuddling with him.
"Everything alright," Nea asked me.
"Mhm, just thinking," I said.
He leaned his head against mine and kissed my forehead.
"You make it hard to not kiss you, you know that," he asked.
"Not kissing? I didn't know it was in your vocabulary," I said.
"It isn't, but with everyone around, I don't think you'd appreciate it," he said.
"True, but on the bright side, I can still do this," I said as I pecked his lips.
"Mm I don't think it's fair that you be able to do that and I have to wait till everyone's asleep to do anything," he complained.
"Well you probably could if your kisses weren't mind hazing," I said.
"And yours aren't," he asked.
"Not when they're pecks," I said.
"Unfair," he whined.
"Alright then what shall we do first," Road asked.
"Sleep," Wisley suggested with a yawn.
"You guys are unfun," Road pouted.
"Perhaps it is best we sleep, after all (y/n) needs it and it has been a long day. We can always plan events and do this again tomorrow," Desires suggested.
"Alright, then sleep it is," Road said.
Nea put up his book and I got up to get my pillow and blanket. He laid on his side and I put the pillow under our heads. I laid facing away from him and he wrapped his hand around my waist.
"Spooning, sexy," he whispered.
"Must you start this right now," I asked.
"I'm just playing, rest," he said pulling me against him.
Fiidora turned off the lights as Nea put the blanket over us.
"By the way, no funny business," Fiidora said.
"Don't worry there won't be," I promised.
"Promise," Nea said.
I fell into a half sleep and listened to the quietness around. Peaceful. Nea's body warmth and touch sent small fires through my body, but the good kind, and having everyone here, relaxed. I drifted to sleep and it was quite lovely.

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