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Nea's POV
I woke up and lazily checked the clock. 15 minutes till school ended. I sighed and carefully let go of my beautiful girlfriend and got up. I put my boxers and pants on then ran my hand through my hair to take out small knots. (Y/n) started shifting as I looked for my shirt. She got up, blanket wrapped around her, only her face visible. I laughed as she walked to me. She put her head on my chest and yawned. I wrapped one arm around her waist and the other on her head.
I moved the blanket from her head and said," morning beautiful."
"Morning," she said happily and groggily.
"Get dressed, school will be over soon," I said.
"Carry meeeee," she said.
"After you get dressed," I said.
"That's why," she said as she looked for her clothes.
I passed them to her and she looked at me.
"What," I asked.
"Turn around," she said.
I laughed and got my shirt, turning it around putting it on. I stayed turned around for a while before she gave me the ok. I turned to face her and she put on the jacket.
"Ready to go," I asked.
She nodded and I picked her up bridal style. She yelped slightly and I tilted my head at her confused.
"S-Sorry just taken aback a bit," she said.
"Why you're the one who asked me to," I said.
"Yeah but still," she said.
"If you say so," I said.
I opened a gate through the ark and walked through. The familiar white buildings popped into view and (y/n) sneezed.
"For a place like this, it's still pretty cold," she said shivering slightly.
"Readjust the jacket," I suggested.
She closed the jacket, snuggling against me. We walked looking for the door to the house.
"Nea," she said.
"Hm," I asked looking at her.
"What are we going to do when Tyki and Wisley get home and ask where we were," she asked.
"Well it's really not anything they should know, so don't worry about it," I said.
After a while, she put her hand on my cheek. I looked at her then closed my eyes leaning against it.
"I love you Nea," she said.
"I love you too (y/n)," I said smiling softly.
I opened my eyes and we got to the door. I kicked it open and we were back at the house. I closed the door with my foot and carefully laid her on the bed. Before I could get up, she pulled me against her with her arms wrapped around my neck.
"Hey is everything alright," I asked tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Mhm," she said.
"(Y/n) what's wrong," I asked looking at her.
She looked dazed, as if deep in thought.
"(Y/n)," I asked.
She snapped back, blinking.
"Huh? Sorry, guess I'm still tired... And frankly a soreness climbing from my waist down," she mumbled.
I chuckled putting my head on her shoulder. She nuzzled against me and ran her hand through my hair slowly.
"I have to take a bath," she said.
"Take a bubble bath," I suggested.
She laughed and said," if I did I don't think I'd be able to move."
"Then I'll do what you can't," I said.
Her face turned extremely red and I realized what she thought of.
"No not like that, I wouldn't when my lovely girlfriend is in need of relaxation," I said.
"Alright then, if you want to," she said hesitantly.
"Yep, now what will it be," I said.
"Just a warm bubble bath," she said.
I nodded, getting up and getting the bath ready. Once it finished, I called her over. I stepped out as she changed and got her some underclothes and pajamas to change into. I knocked on the door and she told me to come in. She was in the tub playing with the bubbles. I placed the clothes on the counter and closed the door slightly to give her privacy. There was a knock at the door and I sighed.
"Who is it," I asked.
"It's me with a few questions," Tyki said.
"Whoops sorry no ones home," I joked.
"Nea," Tyki said sighing.
I laughed and opened the door stepping outside and closing it behind me. I leaned against the door and looked at him.
"Where were you two," he asked.
"When," I asked.
"You know when," he said.
"We got here a while ago, I simply used the ark," I said.
"No, during class," he specified.
"Ohhhhh," I said in realization.
"Yeah we weren't there," I said.
Tyki tried not to strangle me as I put my hands behind my head.
"We know you weren't there, but where exactly were you," he asked.
"Why does that concern you," I asked.
"Because seeing as this is a mission, you practically abandoned it. Don't forget this is your mission too while you're here," Wisely said as he walked up to us.
"True but-," I was cut off by a sharp yell.
"(Y/n)," I said.
We all rushed into the room and saw 2 exorcists. My blood froze as soon as I saw blood.
"We got them go get (y/n)," Tyki yelled.
I nodded and ran to the bathroom.
Running in, I stopped in my tracks.
"Another move and she won't be breathing," the male exorcist said, holding a knife to (y/n)s neck.
The male looked to be about 5'7, mid 20s, and was in shape but not buff. I could take him down but with that knife against her like that I'll have to come up with another idea.
"What's wrong Noah," He asked.
"Nea what's going on-," Tyki cut off his sentence when he saw the predicament.
"Oooo how many more of you are there here," the dude asked laughing.
Wisley was sent through the walls and ended up at our feet.
"Wisley," we yelled to our passed out friend.
Not the fighting type. Shit.
"That makes 4. 4 Noah," the dude said.
I looked at (y/n)s petrified eyes and kept trying to think.
"With all the guys I bet at least one of them is at least of importance to you. Or perhaps a boyfriend with those marks," he said sliding the knife along her neck.
He looked at us and said," So obviously you're outnumbered, and we have your little friend."
"Let her go," Tyki said.
"Wow giving orders are we? Not a smart move," he said as he cut her arm quickly.
She yelled in pain and I was getting even more pissed.
"(Y/n)," I said already ready to run to kick his ass.
Tyki put his arm to block me and I looked at him.
"Found you," he said smirking.
We looked at him and he laughed.
"(Y/n), was it," he asked.
She nodded slightly.
"I'll take it that ones your boyfriend," he said pointing to me.
She nodded slightly and he nodded.
"Go on then, call to him," he said.
She shook her head.
"Why not? Scared I'll kill ya? Don't worry you're not dying here," he said smirking.
Just one opening. One.
"Go on, don't be shy," he said.
She looked at me and shakily said,"Nea."
"(Y/n) I promise it'll be ok, we'll get you back," I said desperately trying to find ways to make that true.
She nodded and he laughed throwing back his head. He released the knife slightly and I took my chance. I ran and punched him right on his face. Twisting his wrist, I took the knife. The two exorcist appeared again and Tyki joined in on the fight. The group leader stood back up and caught me by surprise by kicking me square on my stomach. It happened too quick to tell, but I ended up with a sword piercing my stomach. Tyki tried helping me but was overpowered by the three of them. The main one bashed my head and I'm out like a light.


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