Actions speak louder than words

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Your POV
I couldn't believe it. That had to be a joke. Nea... Nea wouldn't do that. That serious and guilty look in his eyes though... Proved me wrong. So here I lay on my bed in my room unsure of how to react to the situation.
*knock, knock*
"Come in," I said.
It wasn't Nea, I would've been able to tell. Tyki and Wisley walked in and I sat up.
"I'm surprised you guys came here," I said.
"Well as the ones who spend quite a lot of time with you, we figured it'd be best," Wisley said.
"That's true," I said.
"So what's wrong (y/n)," Tyki asked.
"Hah like you don't know," I said as I laid back down.
"Well we do, but I think your side of the story is what he's asking for," Wisley said.
"What do you think? It's just confusing. Nea wouldn't do that... Would he? He was there for the entire time I was in my coma and before that too...," I said hugging my pillow.
Wisley patted my back and Tyki sighed.
"Is it even true," I asked quietly, knowing the answer.
"Well.. Yes and no," Tyki said.
"What do you mean," I asked.
"He did in fact kiss Lulubell and it was an accident but he made it worse than it sounded," Tyki said.
"Yeah ok, so suddenly kissing a girl is an accident even when there was space," I said as my heart sank.
"Now you're just not giving him the opportunity to explain," Wisley said.
I stayed quiet.
"What exactly would be his side of the story though," Wisley asked.
Tyki hit Wisley across his head.
*knock, knock*
Tyki answered the door while Wisley sat on my bed cross crossed. Tyki talked to the person while I sat up. Tyki then closed the door and sighed.
"Who was it," I asked.
"Road, she was asking to see how you were," Tyki said as he sat on my bed too.
"Still confused," I said.
"(Y/n), you were gone for a while, what happened between doesn't mean anything. Maybe Nea was just trying to... To... Well maybe...-"
"Maybe he was just trying to feel something," Tyki suggested to Wisley.
"Well maybe," Wisley said.
I thought about it, hugging my pillow tight. Looking over at my music box, I sighed.
"Even if that's true... Why didn't he tell me.... It hurts you know," I said.
"(Y/n), we understand, that's why we're not forcing anything on you," Tyki said.
"Yeah, Road is more than likely makin sure Nea stays away so you can clear your head," Wisley said.
"Stay away," I asked.
"Yeah, he was already ready to run after you, he only didn't because we came before he could and road suggested he give you space," Wisley said.
"....I just woke up... So this needs to go away. I want to listen to Nea," I said crying.
"(Y/n), you're forcing it," Tyki said.
"Actually, she's not. She's scared of what he'll say," Wisley said.
"I have a suggestion," tyki said.
"Go ahead," I said.
"Perhaps getting Nea in here and then bringing Lulubell would help? After all, actions speak louder than words. If he were so keen on telling you the truth he wouldn't acknowledge her," Tyki said.
"Well he would have to turn around wouldn't he? Just to check who exactly entered (y/n)s room," Wisley said.
"Yes but then if he kept glancing at her, we'd know," Tyki said.
"Seems like a good plan," Wisley said.
"Yeah..." I said sighing.
"Very well, Wisley and I will leave you be and set things up. You just stay here," Tyki said.
"Alright thanks guys," I said as they left.
"Anytime," they said as they left.
The door shut behind them and I was alone in my room. I ran my hands through my hair frustrated.
"If you keep doing that then you'll end up hurting yourself."
My head shot up and I saw none other than Nea himself.
"Obviously that didn't stop me," I said.
He walked over and stood a reasonable distance from my bed.
"(Y/n) I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen I swear," he said.
I stayed quiet.
"It was only for a few seconds. I thought she was going to trip so when I pulled her back up, I pulled too hard and she ended up way close. Somehow it just happened that we kissed. I pushed her away right when I realized what I did...please believe me," he said pleadingly.
"I-," I was cut off by someone opening the door.
Lulubell entered the room and stood by the door quietly. I kept my eyes on Nea who glanced to see who it was but refocused on me. We held each other's gaze for a long time, and I believed his words. My tears fell anew and as if understanding, Nea was right by my side. He hugged me tightly and apologized a million times.
"don't do it again please," I said shakily.
"I promise it'll never even get close to happening again," he said.
Lulubell smiled as she left and so did I. Fortunately for me, Nea stayed with me. He placed soft kisses on my lips over and over again, nice and all but I think I prefer the ones that last a long time. I stopped him by putting my hand on his chest. He stopped and before he could question it, I kissed him.
"I see you two made up," Tyki said.
"Geez Tyki, knock know will you," I said as my face became red.
"He did, you never answered," Wisley said.
"They're right," Road added.
"Wait exactly how many people are outside that door," Nea asked.
"Well I'd say about everyone," the Earl said.
"What?! Guys what are you all doing here," I asked embarrassed.
"Well we were curious as to what happened after all," (I don't remember the separate names of Jasdevi so sorry) Jas said.
"So here we are," Devi added.
"Well we're fine now, thanks for worrying," Nea said laughing as he sat next to me.
"We can see that," Desires said.
"Getting a little frisky there Nea, take it down a notch," Fiidora said.
"Well might as well come in instead of being out there," I said.
Everyone came in and sat on some chairs I had around.
"And to respond to your statement Fiidora," Nea said mischievously.
"Nea what are you-," he cat me off by glomping me and putting his head in the crook of my neck.
"Mine," Nea said.
We laughed at Nea's actions and Nea smiled.
"I love you beautiful girl," he said to me.
"I love you too, Nea," I said happily.
We all stayed in my room laughing, talking, and who knows maybe some slumber partying later on.

A/N: HI GUYS!!!! Sorry about the short plot twist but we just can't stay mad at Nea :33 besides this is only the beginning >:33 no he will not pull anymore stunts like that, don't worry! Love y'all

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