Shooting Stars

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Your POV
We were in my room going through my closet.
"If it's chilly, wear something to keep you warm," Nea suggested.
"Is it chilly," I asked.
"It will be later on," he said.
"Ok then, so my jeans with my white (a/n: I have a theory they constantly wear white) turtle neck," I asked.
"If you're wearing a turtle neck then I should've left some marks," he said huskily.
"I didn't say you couldn't," I said quietly as my face exploded red.
"You're too cute," he said as he pecked my lips.
"Alright I'm gonna change so get out or turn around," I said.
He turned around and I made sure he wouldn't turn around by looking at him for a bit. I changed my jeans first and then my shirt. I put my hand on the wound on my side and sighed. I put pressure on it to test how bad it was and yelped a bit and flinched.
"You ok," Nea asked worriedly.
"Yeah," I said.
"I don't believe you," he said as he turned around.
"Nea! I said turn around," I said trying to scold him but failing miserably.
"Your hands on your side, does it hurt," he asked walking to me.
"Ah no! I just kinda... Put some pressure on it," I said.
He put his hand on my side as I moved mine away.
"It'll hurt worse like that, be careful," he said.
"Alright, promise I won't," I said.
"Good," he said as he pecked my lips.
"Alright let me change," I said.
"How about I take you up on your offer," he said.
"What do you-," he cut me off by kissing me deeply.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put a hand on my waist while the other was on my back. My back arched against him in pure bliss of the feeling. The small cuts didn't hurt, they were sensitive, and with Nea running his hands over them, sent shivers through me. The kiss became more and more fiery and my mind became more hazy. Butterflies tickled my stomach as we made out and he ran the tip of his fingers over my back to get a reaction. I moaned lightly but was swallowed by the kiss. I cut the kiss for air and he kissed down to my neck. He sucked harshly at my sweet spot and ran his hand along my back at the same time.
"Nea," I moaned airily.
"Right here beautiful girl," he said as he continued.
I unwrapped my arms from his neck and held onto the front of his shirt. I panted, trying to catch my breath that was long lost. He stopped and hugged me, so I used the opportunity to catch my breath. When I finally caught my breath, he let me go and I put on my shirt. I slipped on my black shoes and intertwined Nea and mines hands. We walked outside and the breeze was awesome! It's warm yet fresh! I moved the hair from my face every time the wind put it in my face and laughed. We got to the woods and saw everyone.
"About time," Road said.
"It's a long walk," Nea said.
"True, now hurry up and get up here," she said.
"That specific tree or," I asked.
"Any tree," road said as she climbed a tree.
"Here, I know the perfect one," Nea said picking me up bridal style.
I held on to him as he jumped and landed on a branch. I recognized the tree instantly. The tree where we met.
"By the way, I worked on something a while back, I think you'll like it," he said.
"Then let's go," I said.
He jumped a bit higher and landed on steady ground. He put me down and I looked around. We're at the top of a tree, not above the leaves but close. It's a level surface and tree branches as sort of walls. Like a built in clubhouse.
"Wow! It's like a built in clubhouse," I said amazed.
"Yep, it had the structure, I just tampered with it," he said proudly.
"It's amazing," I said.
"Good, because I wanted this to be your secret place," he said.
"Hmmm no," I said.
Before he could say anything, I added," I want this to be our secret place."
I hugged him and he hugged me back chuckling.
"Of course," he said.
We let go and he laid down while I looked around some more. Not many people could be here because it was only big enough for 3 maybe 4 people. After wandering a bit, I looked at Nea who had his eyes closed and hands under his head. I smiled and laid down next to him on my stomach. He looked to be sleeping now. I smiled and pecked his lips as I ran my hand through his hair. I noticed that when he sleeps, he'll stay like that for a while. That and he's cute like an angel when he's asleep. He's freaking hot and sexy while he's awake. My face heated up slightly and I shook my head. I poked his cheek and he groaned, moving his head. I quietly laughed. I looked up and saw a star pass.
"Nea! Nea! It's starting," I said excitedly as I shook him.
He woke up and looked up.
"Make a wish," he said as he sat up.
I shut my eyes tightly and put my hands together.
'I wish that Nea and I will always be together! And that my Noah family stays happy as well!'

Nea's POV
"Nea! Nea! It's starting," (y/n) said as she shook me.
I woke up and saw the stars passing by.
"Make a wish," I told her as I sat up.
She shut her eyes tightly and put her hands together, making her wish. She's so cute, when she does things like this. So cute that I can't resist anything she asks. I smiled softly at her and looked at her with lots of love. The stars passing by made her stand out and the moon light hit her more or less so she had the glow. She looked at me happily and smiled.
"Made a wish yet," she asked.
"Hm no, I have no reason to," I said.
"Awww there has to be something worth wishing for," she pouted.
"Alright alright, I'll make a wish," I said.
She smiled happily and sat next to me.
"What exactly do I have to do," I asked.
"Just make a wish," she said.
"Simple enough," I said.
She nodded and I thought for a second.
"I wish that my beautiful, amazing, and smart girlfriend knew exactly how much I love her because I'm afraid she doesn't know," I said as I put my hand on her cheek.
Her cheeks became red and she became very shy.
"I also wish that I'd be next to her side forever," I added.
"I-I don't think wishes are made to say out loud," she said.
"Thinking is not the same as knowing, besides it can't be bad," I said putting my forehead against hers.
"Why is it that whenever we leave you two alone for even a few minutes, you get all lovey dovey," Wisley asked.
(Y/n) jumped slightly at Wisley's sudden appearance.
"What's so wrong about that," I asked.
"You're in Public," he said sighing.
"No were alone when it happens, people just show up and make it public," I said.
"Smartass," he said.
"My smartass," (y/n) said as she hugged me.
"(Y/n)," Wisley scolded.
"What, he's right," she said.
"Can't you just wait till you get a room," he said.
"More things happen in a room than what it does when you're not in a room," I said.
"Nea," she scolded.
"Am I wrong," I asked.
"Not exactly," she said.
"My point exactly," he said.
I pulled (y/n) across my lap and wrapped my arms around her as she put her head in the crook of my neck.
"Cuddles," she said happily.
"If I didn't know any better, you'd actually have feelings for my girlfriend," I said.
"Now you're just taking it out of proportion," he said.
"Time to go guys," Road called.
Wisley left and I stood up carrying (y/n).
I jumped off the tree and (y/n) said," put me down, I wanna piggyback ride!"
I put her down and kneeled.
She got on my back and I said," got a good grip?"
She wrapped her arms around my neck and nodded. I stood up and hooked my arms under her legs. We walked and everyone started talking about the remaining stars passing by.
"They're so pretty," (y/n) said.
"They are, but not as pretty as you," I said smiling.
"Cheesy," she said as she hugged me(or tried to?).
"Only for you," I said laughing.
"What time is it," she asked.
"Hmmmm I don't know," I said.
"Hey anyone know what time it is," I asked.
"It's already 3 in the morning," Tyki said.
"Thanks Tyki," I said," it's 3."
"Oh wow, we were outside for a while even though it didn't feel that long," (y/n) said.
"That's how time works," I said.
She rested her head on my shoulder and stayed quiet. When the house was in sight, she started nibbling on my ear lobe lightly. Then, she kissed my cheek.
"Feeling 'lovey dovey'," I asked quoting Wisley's words.
"Mhm, you know I love you a lot, right," she asked.
"Of course," I said.
"Like till infinity and back," she said.
I chuckled,"I love you way past infinity and back."
"Nuh uh, infinity is the farthest you can go," she said.
"Well I made something new," I said.
"Nuuuuu I love you most," she whined.
"Nope, I love you way more."
"Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu," she drew out.
We got to the house and everyone was laughing at our argument.
"Can't you two agree you both love each other endlessly," Desires said.
"No," we said.
Everyone laughed and I put (y/n) down.
"I do know one thing we can settle on though," she said quietly.
"What's that," I asked quietly as well.
"I love you," she said.
"I love you too," I said smiling.
She smiled back and kissed my cheek.
I leaned in and whispered into her ear," Though I still love you most."
"Neaaaa," she pouted.
"Want me to prove it~," I asked.
"Prove it how," she asked skeptically.
"You'll find out if you say yes," I said.
She looked at me and then the Earl said,"alright everyone, off to bed."
Everyone went upstairs and she intertwined our hands.
"Is that an answer," I asked.
"Nope we're just going upstairs," she said.
"My room tonight though," I said.
"Why not mine," she asked.
"Cause we're always in your room, please," I said.
"Ok," she said.

Neah X Reader {Forever}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora