I miss you... Im sorry...

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Roads POV
I've been trying to keep tyki awake until Wisley bandaged him up completely but at this rate, he'd fall asleep.
"Is it really ok for them to fall asleep," I asked.
"Yes, their bleeding stopped and they need rest," Wisley said.
"What about (y/n)? She fell asleep while bleeding out," I said.
"I'm not sure..." Wisley said sighing.
I looked over to (y/n) and Nea. She looked so pale that she could've passed as a ghost. I think the bandages were darker. Looking at Tyki he wasn't as pale but still was. He had his eyes shut seeing as how this obviously hurt.
"Road get some water for them," Wisley said.
I nodded and went and got two glasses of water. I carefully helped Tyki up and gave him the water. Those exorcists really should burn. My family will not be hurt like this. The Earl did kill them though. I sighed and Tyki had a coughing fit. I quickly put the water away and held him up.
"Tyki," I said.
He kept on and I'm surprised blood didn't come out. I pat his back and he stopped.
"I think it's about time you rest, Tyki," Wisley said.
Tyki nodded slightly and closed his eyes. He was out like a light. I hugged Tyki carefully wishing he were better already. We Noah do have a sort of healing gene but it only speeds up the process a bit.
"Wake up soon, big brother Tyki," I said as I let him go.
I grabbed a blanket and put it over him.  It'd make him less cold hopefully. I grabbed another one and headed to (y/n)'s bed. I carefully put it over her and placed her glass of water on the stand.
"How's she doing," I asked.
"Bad, I can still barely feel a pulse and she's cold," Nea said.
"Try giving her some water," I suggested.
He nodded and instead of lifting her up, we just adjusted the bed to where she was 'sitting' Nea carefully gave her water. My guess is that she was drinking it. He stopped and we put her back to laying down.
"I wish I had done more," he muttered.
"Nea it's not your fault, they had you guys by blackmail," I said.
"Still," he said.
We stayed quiet and i silently pled for her to wake up soon.
"Do you need anything," I asked him.
He shook his head.
"Alright then, I'll leave you two alone. Wisley and I will go back to the house you were at for the mission and bring back your stuff, you just need to open the ark," I said.
He nodded and a gate appeared near the door.
"We'll be back soon, just keep the door open," Wisley said.
Nea said nothing and Wisley sighed. We went into the ark and went on our way to pick up stuff.

Nea's POV
Tears slipped from my eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry," I said slightly shakily.
"I'll do anything, just please (y/n) come back," I pled.
No movement. No sound. Nothing. Your silence kills me more than anything else and all I want is you here. I want to apologize for all my mistakes but you won't wake up. Don't leave (y/n) please don't. I kissed her hand and her finger tips.
"I love you (y/n)," I said as more tears fell from my eyes.

*timeskip to about 1 month! Brought to you by none other than dancing tacos! That's right you guys dance away*

It's been 1 month since we brought her home. I never left her side. She was gaining some color and there were times I thought she'd wake up.
"Nea we get that you're depressed but don't you think you need to start getting out of the room," Jasdevi said.
"No," I said.
They sighed and left. I'd change her bandages and she was healing a lot which was good. Some minor scars but they don't matter. I held the golden locket in my hands and I opened it. The song poured out and I always thought about her smile whenever it played. I closed the locket and laid my head against the bed. Tyki had already woken up and was able to walk around a bit with help.
"We're just missing you beautiful girl," I said.
For a second I thought she moved and my head shot up. Her eyes slowly opened and they stayed half lidded. She looked confused.
"(Y/n)," I asked.
She opened her eyes and looked at me. She blinked a few times.
"N...Nea," she asked quietly.
"Who else," I asked.
She sat up quickly and wrapped her arms around my neck tightly, hugging me. I hugged her tightly but not too tight to where I'd hurt some of her still there wounds.
"Nea," she said as she cried.
"Hey beautiful girl," I said happily as I cried as well.
We stayed like that and I worried she'd open a few wounds.
"(Y/n) lay back down please, I don't want you to open your wounds," I said.
She nodded and laid back down.
"How long have I been out," she asked.
"A month," I said as I intertwined our hands.
"W-What," she asked with wide eyes.
I nodded and inspected her reaction. Last thing she needed was to go berserk.
"I'm so sorry," she said as tears fell from her eyes.
"No no no no, shhh. It's not your fault," I said as I put my free hand on her cheek.
"But I left you alone. I didn't even know what happened to you," she said shakily.
"I'm fine, they only knocked us out with a few bruises. I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner," I said.
"Nea," she said as she cried more.
I carefully hugged her and I cried a bit too. She held onto me as if I were to disappear and I'm not going to lie but I thought she was going to disappear too. A whole month. She's finally awake.
"I love you so much," I said.
"I love you so much too," she said.
I let her go and wiped her tears away.
"Rest beautiful girl," I said.
She shook her head," no, I want to spend time with you."
"Spend time with me tomorrow," I said laughing slightly.
"But-," I cut her off by kissing her forehead.
"Sleep," I said.
"Dirty....Trick...," she said as she fell asleep.
I may or may not have used my powers to make her sleep. I know she'll wake up. I can't wait to have her back.

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