7th Warning

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- Yuri

"Yuri are you done with your stretching?" One last push up, I stand straight looking at hoseok as he smiled.

"Do you know some of our music and dances? I want you to choose one and dance to it so that I can tell whether your worth it to take Yoongi's place or not" his voice is serious so is the other members facial expressions.If I fail this task then I am not worth to be called Min Yoongi's sister, he trusted me to take his place and I don't plan to fail his expectations.

I began thinking of a suitable dance to match my speed and wave because with this small body of mine I have some limits.

What dance? What dance?

"Why don't you try dancing to danger?"

I look to my side, Jungkook is there drinking a whole water bottle crumping it out and throw it to a nearby trashcan. But I have no idea about the choreo of that dance, once I saw my brother dance to that song but what I see is a complete disaster more like a dancing seaweed.

"I-i'll try it" I slowly said going to the dance floor facing a whole size mirror.My body is in good state so is my legs but what worries me is my dance, if I can demonstrate it perfectly or will it be like my brothers'.

You're in danger
You're in danger
You're in danger
You're in danger

The music starts to play, it seems like some magical dust flow to me circulating althrough my body.I suddenly dance to the beat never did care for my surroundings, the feelings of dancing is born in me but keeping it hidden is the thing that I regret the most.

Time passed so fast that I didn't notice the music stop, It was done.Beads of sweats roll down my forehead, Jungkook throw some clean towel on me and a cold water that almost hit my face making me glare at him but he shrugged it off and walk away. I open the bottle and drink it entirely "You've done great Yuri!! tell me do you practice dancing way back in your home because your super good even though the steps are different from the original one"

"No, I don't practice but I love dancing" That's true my problem is not being confident in showing it off a lot of people "You must love dancing so much huh" Jimin came rubbing a hand on my tied hair dropping his eye smile ehem I mean cute eye smile. I smiled back.

"Your In"


"I said your In, you'll be meeting yoongi's makeup artist this coming friday and don't worry about your disguise because she'll be taking care all of it" he left without looking back at me.I wonder what will I do now?

"Hey Yuri! wanna grab some snacks? Jin hyung made some cookies at the dorm come on let's took some before Taehyung and Jungkook take it all"

Jimin grabbed my hand, the members and I where racing to the dorm with masks on so that no one would recognize us.

What a energetic group, unlike me.

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