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- Jungkook

Yuri has been distanting out this entire weekend, when she give me that smile that night, I got this feeling, the feeling of not seeing her again. I didn't sleep the entire hour and waited for her to come back, I'm tired and sleepy because of the concert awhile ago so I decided to take a quick nap, as I woke up I notice a blanket wrapped around me, it's yuri's.

Then a second later I heard some things moving uptairs, I followed the sounds which leads to yuri's room "yuri?" I softly said but as I was getting closer to her room she run of to it and close then locked the door, I waited outside knocking and shouting her nonstop be she won't open it.

Why? What is she doing inside? Why won't she open up? Yuri, what are you up to?

Those questions keep repeating my mind, she still locked herself there, pd-nim announced that she won't be coming because of some serious matters but what is it?

The show ended fast than what I expected, we went to our van, I checked my phone for calls or messages.

1 recent message [Yoongi-hyung]

Dongsaeng, when your done with your show can you come here at the hospital, I want to tell you something.

Yoongi-hyung wants me to go to the hospital? For what? And what is he gonna say to me?

And again lots and lots of questions has been added to my mind but I don't have any idea how to answer it.

*Timeskip to the hospital

This might be my second time of visiting yoongi-hyung, I knocked on the door hearing a small 'come in' as i did opening the white door. Yoongi-hyung was no longer laying on the bed but was standing, he gives me a smile as I went to him for a hug which he did accept.

"How are you hyung?" I asked at him, "completely healed" he said.

"Why did you call me out here all of a sudden hyung? And what do you want to tell me?" My heartbeat suddenly increase without a reason, am I scared of something?but what? Yoongi-hyung let out a big sighed and went to the bed taking something below the pillow.

"Here" Yoongi hyung give something to me, an envelope.I hesitate at first but decided to open it, recognizing the neat handwriting. It's from Yuri.

Dear Jungkook,

I'm sorry for not saying goodbye in person.I think my brother is already fine so I'm no longer needed here.I'll be missing all of you at the dorm. Thanks for the countless memories by the way, I'll treasure them and keep it lock in my heart.

Jungkook, I might not be there but always remember this. Never once in my whole life I'd be confessing to a guy.

Jungkook, I love you. Uurrgh Damn that was embarassing as shit ehem anyway I like you long time ago and I don't wanna admit it but now I did, the way you hug me....It's really warm but just as I'm writing this I feel like your already so far away from me, that I'll never experience the same warmth again.Thank to you I've come to live a life more better than before.

I'll say it again Jungkook
I love you and I'm happy to be a part of your life.

Goodbye you evil Maknae ^___^

What's with her this time.hahahaha leaving? Is she an idiot
She can't leave.
She can't.

"Y-yu-ri...yuri you can't go"
I clenched my fist hard bringing it up to my chest.My heart hurts so much,the only girl that has been with me these pass 2 months is gonna leave me.

One by one, warm tears came flowing down to my face, am I too numb to not feel her pain and love for me.

Her smile that I've longed for, I'm falling for her but I pretend not to notice and continued being a dumb and stupid piece of jerk.

Yuri, are you really planning to say goodbye and leave me behind?

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