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Jungkook and I ended up to a place I didn't expect to exist.Green grass all around, swaying white flowers, blue open sky and a wide ocean down the hills.

"Woooow" I shouted in amaze. Looking back I observe jungkook pilling up a blanket and setting up a basket of foods, after that he sat down tapping his empty side and I sit beside him. "Wonderful right?" He asked still looking at the view infront of him.


"Speechless aren't we" I looked at him as he did the same and smiled.Being a bit shy I am, I ignored it and continue my thing which is enjoying the scenery.

I then spotted a blue butterfly flying across my face making me stand up and followed it, the butterfly landed on a beautiful white flower, I just look at it.

"Look kookie!! a blue beautiful butterfly!!" I silent shout at him, he chuckled at my childish reaction well it's not my fault to see a blue butterfly for the first time.He stand up and went over to me, he took out his index finger and the butterfly fly unto him, how could he do that?

"How could you do that?" I couldn't stop myself from asking though."I have kept this a secret but I was the prince of all butterfly in this field" he lowly said while looking sad, no way!!

"I'm just kidding yuri hahahaha your face is priceless!"

"Jungkook, do you know that I can kill you right here right now?" I said while smiling devilly. He laugh nervously and ran, I went after him but he runs faster than me and my feet won't do good cause I'm not an anthlete in school, he tripped on a rock and fall haha! my chance. I jump at him hitting nonstop until he begged me to stop. Both of us cracked a laugh until our stomach hurt, and again the atmosphere is peaceful and beautiful as ever.

"Why did you bring me here anyway?" I started bringing up a topic.

"Because your stressing yourself too much so I think It'll be better to bring you here for a bit relaxation" He explained, he  does care about me and it makes me happy somehow. "Is that all?"

"I usually come here ,watching the world makes me really happy and the only way to be fully happy is to let the problem go"

The way he talks is really jolly but I know deep inside he's suffering alot. "This is your secret place, why bring me here and not anywhere?"

"You really asked alot huh, then just to be clear.Were the same, the type who wants to be alone rather than being with friends" How does he know that?

" How did you--"

"Yoongi hyung told me" that untrusty brother, I told him to keep it a secret and now I'm hearing the same thing but different person. "He did? that sugaaar" I'm gonna add him to my coffee next time.

"Be happy you have a brother like him, you should tell him all your problems not owning it for yourself, you know it'll just cost you lots of depression"

He's right but the fact that he knows me more than I know myself, I don't wanna be weak infront of anybody but as long as I stay strong then I'll just continue there.A strong wind suddenly blows "Thanks for your concern but I'm okay now that I have you beside me  jungkook"

"What did you say yuri?" Jungkook said curiously staring at me.

"None of your business, let's eat now. I'm in complete hunger" I returned to my seat getting one cupcake. "but we just ate an hour ago" he return back taking a donut. I finished first followed by him, too focus on the view that I didn't notice Jungkook placed his head on my lap.

My heart beat increased again and is so loud that I'm too scared if jungkook might hear it.

"Jungkook" Is he awake? I lightly tap his shoulder making him move his body to face me but is now sleeping.

His face is really peaceful when he sleeps, pushing some of his bangs on the side, he looks more beautiful than an angel.I move my hand up to my chest, the beat seems to have subsides but the feelings remain, the feelings of LOVE.

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