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The sun's starting to set, the once blue sky is now painted in orange changing all the surrounding the most beautiful sight I've ever seen.jungkook is still snoring, does he not plan to wake up?

I shrugged at it and just enjoy the view which is my only option for now. I easily turn bored as time passed to change that, I started humming my favorite song that my mom taught me once.


The cold winds started to make me shiver lightly, I open my eyes only to have seen a sight I would keep it for the rest of my life.

I saw a beautiful girl above me, her black hair sways as the wind blows to it, a calm face of an angel with her long eyelashes and a voice of a goddess.

She's beautiful, yuri is beautiful.


Ending my song with a soft note, I move my head low checking if Jungkook has waken up.He was looking up at me and was awake, okay goo- "Waaaah" as fast as lightning I crawled away from him,  jungkook's head fall of to the ground "Ouch" He sat up holding the back of his head ooow I think it's really painful by the way his expression says.

Well it's not my fault, he's been looking at me for who knows how long and that creeps me out. My heart almost left my body,.God that suprised me or more like scared me. "I'm sorry for hitting your head" I apologized bowing my head down low.

"No it's my fault for scaring you" Your right it's your fault you weirdo.

"So, I think this date ends here, again happy birthday yuri" Jungkook smiled rubbing his hand on my head ruining my hair and yeah I didn't care to fix it.

I'm kind of sad, I still don't want to end this date or whatever, I still want to stay here and watch the whole surroundings turned darker and darker. I want to stay here together with Jungkook-- wait what did I just say?

Someone pulled my hand, long fingers starting to interwined mines making it hold together. "We'll stay like this until we arrive the dorm, is that okay?" It was Jungkook who was holding my hand tightly.

I nod a little by the fact that I like this feelings I've kept hidden. I still don't know about this but little by little I began to know the reasons and why's.

I looked up at Jungkook since he's taller than me, slowly jungkook's face came closer to, I closed my eyes waiting for what Jungkook was about to do, feeling his warm breathing close to my face, my mind almost went to blank. The warm breaths moved up to my head, jungkook kiss it.My eyes went wide open not expecting of him doing that since my conclusion is he'll be kissing my--  forget about that.

"We should get going, the weathers turning cold and it'll be dark not too long"

"Yeah, I think we should" both of us walk in the same pace while Jungkook is holding my hand tightly. We arrived at the dorm safetly and Jungkook has to let my hand go and it upset me so much, we went different ways heading to our own rooms, I took a quick shower changing  into my pajamas and let myself fall to the bed dozzing of.

Today was a wonderful day for my birthday because Jungkook was there to make me happy but at the same time, I discovered this unfamiliar feelings of mine.I have no idea why and what but it's just feel so great to have this indescribable feelings I've felt all along together with him.

With Jungkook.

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