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I dare you to call Jungkook oppa

- Jungkook

What happened yesterday?


I was about to go to my room but then my feet suddenly tripped on a wet rag and ended up falling infront of Yuri, just as we fall my lip hits against hers causing it to be bruised and it freaking hurts so much that I can't even move my lips.She lost consciousness because of the hard fall on the floor so I carried her to her room gently laying her unto it.

*end of flashback

Uugrrh what's more, we almost kissed.on.the.lips. I hope she won't remember that or else I'm a dead meat.

I stand up from my bed and began my daily routine, 20 push-ups & 20 curl up then a quick shower to cool down my body. I went down to the kitchen as the same scene from yesterday came back, and the kiss.......

"No, no, no forget it Jungkook"

"What should you forget?"

A voice from behind came incontact with my ears making me jump, my heartbeat increase to the fullest and my face seems to have heaten up.

It's Yuri.

"And what happened to your lips?"

"No it's nothing Yuri don't be worried"

I give her a clear smile that I can muster for now.She just walk pass me and to the refregirator taking a bottled water "For your information I wasn't worried about you" Oh yeah she doesn't care even a single thing if we really did kiss-- eheeem it was just an accident anyway.

"Where are the others?" The dorm was quiet and that's unusual to happen.

"They went out" Yuri said, they what? Without me? Their maknae? The very cute and handsome maknae??!! Wait how did she know "they left me a letter" they left HER a letter and not ME!! WHY is that!!??

"Hey your thinking out toooo loud!!"
Yuri exclaimed, I just sighed and forgot the fact that they told yuri and not me, I made some pancake for breakfast since Jin hyung taught me how to make it.


The savory scent of pancakes erupt my thoughts making my tummy grumbled in response, is Jin oppa back?

Hurriedly I dashed out my room and to the living room but no Jin is there but a bunny, I mean Jungkook.

"Breakfast is ready" he place the plates with pancakes on it adding some syrup and butter.

Wooow it looks delicious!!

"How did you learn to make those?" I questioned him who looks freaking cute wearing a pink apron with a matching  pink hat that Jin oppa owns. He smiled at me and explained every details. We ate it and it taste like heaven😍😍

"Thanks for the food" I spoke making my way to the sink washing the dishes we used. After that I saw Jungkook who's sitting in the living room, he wave his hands at me telling me to come.

"Let's play a game, it's boring" Jungkook suggested.

"What game?"

"Mmmm,let's play rock-paper-scissor, whoever wins shall ask one question.
What do you think?"

"I'm in" I positioned myself as we begin playing the certain game first win belongs to him, I ready myself for the questions he would ask.

"When is your birthday?" Wow it's easy unlike what I though it would be.

"Tomorrow" I answered blankly as ever.

"Why didn't you told us?"

"You didn't asked, anyway let's continue the game" for the second time, it's his win. "I'm not gonna ask more like I want a dare" he's making things up all by himself, this kidd!!

"Tch okay, give me a dare and It'll better be easy"

"I dare you to dress more like a human tomorrow.I'm gonna text you the location, be there 8 in the morning,I'll be waiting and if you won't come... punishment"

"What kind of dare is that!!" I burst out, more like a human?! Do I look like an animal to him??!


"No but's....Be there" and he left me there all alone just like that.........urrgghh I'm gonna grind him into a little bits of meat╰_╯that JEON JUNGKOOOOK!!!

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