Chapter 1

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"D! Come on! We're going to the Watchtower!" I exclaimed as I dragged my fellow ten year old brother behind me.

"T! Calm down!" Dick called as he put on his black mask, as did I.

"But Uncle Flash is babysitting us! I love beating him at races!" I complained.

"No! Bruce said not to use your powers in any instances other than emergencies!" Dick sternly scolded.

"Oh but that's for missions as Blackbird! I'm just Thyme Grayson right now! So come on let me win a race against him!" I pushed, batting my violet eyes.

"Ugh! Fine." Dick conceded as I squeed and we went in the zeta tubes to go to the watchtower.

"UNCLE FLASH!" I called as I ran to him.

"Hey kiddo!" Uncle Flash smiled.

"CAN WE RACE!? CAN WE RACE!? CAN WE RACE!?" I repeated jumping up and down.

"Blackbird! What have I said about using your powers?" Daddy scolded.

"But but... daddy? It's not a mission...." I pouted.

"Ugh. Fine. But if I catch you time jumping on missions I'm taking away your trapeze privileges for a month." Daddy decided.

"A MONTH!!?!?!?!?!?!?!" I  yelled.

"Yes. Now that that's the end of that, take care of my kids Flash, and if they are hurt, you will be too." Daddy threatened as he went back into the zeta tube.

"DADDY'S GONE! OK! LET'S RACE UNCLE FLASH!" I yelled as I got into runners stance and boosted my own time. Uncle Flash got into position and D yelled go.

We took off. I was moving much faster than Uncle Flash, but it took alot out of me, so I had to slow down, allowing Uncle Flash to win.

"Hah! I won kiddo!" Uncle Flash beamed as I frowned.

"NOPE!" I smirked as I time jumped back to a little before the race.

Every time I time jumped (my max limit was one hour forward or back) I'd go into a short violent coughing fit, but this only happened if I jumped more than a minute or so.

My coughing began and D intervened.

"Race is off. Flash, you won." D declared.

"Wh*cough*at!" I shouted in between coughs.

"You lost the race and time jumped, didn't you." D scolded.

"What would make you say that?" I asked, my coughing ending.

"Spontaneous coughing fit T. I know you." D glared.

"Wait, little kiddo can time travel?" Flash asked.

"I have complete control of time. You thought I was a speedster?" I asked.

"Well I assumed..." Flash added.

"No, she speeds up her own time, but since Bats won't let her train her powers, it kicks everything out of her. When she travels in time, she usually erupts in a coughing fit, so that's why I know you won the race and T is a poor loser." D glared.

"You got me. I can speed up, slow down, and stop time. Be it time in general, or a little area. That's why I have speed. I speed up my own time and run. I can also go back or forward in time, but only one hour." I smiled.

"When did you find out about this?" Flash asked.

"One hour and one minute after our parents died...." I said, a tear falling from my eye.

"I couldn't go back enough... I couldn't save them..." I continued.

"Hey, shh, it's ok. I know the feeling Kiddo. It's not your fault." Flash said, pulling me into a hug. A small smiled tugged on my face.

"Thanks Uncle Flash." I smiled as I pulled D into the hug.

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