Chapter 10

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Unknown POV - 11 ish years ago

I don't know how it happened, I never had the attraction to his type, but something made me, commanded me. I didn't want any of it, but when I found out what had come from it, I almost didn't care who the father was, I just wanted to protect my baby girl or boy. My lifestyle made it hard, but I knew I could do it, what worried me was what he would do. He wouldn't just leave my baby be, he'd claim she or he was his and train the poor thing into a life of misery. I had to hide, take her far away, maybe even start a new life I don't know. I just know that I will be there to protect my little one.

Two-ish years later

She was here, my baby Thyme was here. She had been born around a year ago, and I was starting to realize I couldn't hide here in Gotham forever, hoping Slade will wait to come here because of the Bats vendetta against him. She lay in a bed of moss as I stroked her head. Her tufts of hair were the color of lavenders and her soft eyes the color of forget-me-nots. My baby. I wasn't letting my baby go.

"Ivy, how are you doing doll?" Harley asked from my doorway. I had decided I wanted Harley to be my baby's godmother if I was killed by Slade before I could hide my little girl.

"Meet your goddaughter Harley, Thyme Aconitum Isley. She'll be turning one in not that long" I smiled. Harley may not have been the most sane person out there, but I knew I could count on her if all went to hell.

"You know Ivy we will come for her." Harley reminded me. I sighed.

"I know, and that's why I have to hide her. I'll hide as long as I can, but we both know Slade, he'll keep coming for her until he gets what he wants." I said sadly.

"I can give you a head start Ivy, maybe we can talk to Mistah J and get his help." Harley suggested.

"Joker may be insane but we've got nothing left to lose." I summited and stood up, caressing my baby girl's face.

"Let's go doll, better sooner than later." Harley said, leaving my apartment. I nodded, wrapping up Thyme in a blanket and going out the door behind Harley.

We got to Joker's hideout.

"Hiya Puddin', I brought a friend who needs your help!" Harley greeted.

"Who could it be- Oh, hello Ivy, what brings you here?" Joker asked me. I removed the corner of the blanket around Thyme.

"Ooh, who's the little one's papa?" Joker asked.

"That's why I'm here. I need your help hiding from her father, Slade." I said, causing Joker to burst out laughing.

"You? And Deathstroke?" More laughter, "Oh Ivy that poor little girl's doomed. You better hightail it and run." Joker laughed.

"That's why she came to us puddin', you think we could give her a head start?" Harley asked.

"I don't see why not. Get the little one into hiding and we'll stall Deathstroke for you." Joker conceded.

"Thank you Joker, it means alot to me." I thanked before leaving and going back to my apartment for a while. I set her down on the mossy bed I had made and the plants grew around her. I sighed, and took her arm.

"I'm sorry baby girl, but I can't have anything link you to me so Slade can find you." I muttered as I injected a syringe into her arm, blocking her abilities for some years. Hopefully when she gets her powers back, she'll be able to handle him. She started crying, and I shushed her, rocking her back and forth. She leaned into my warmth and I got to work finding the best place for her.

After checking the news, I saw a circus in Gotham, Haly's Circus. They must be able to help her, train her in some helpful form of something! I don't want to let my baby down, I don't want to lose her, but she isn't safe with me.

I scribbled down a note:

Please take care of my baby girl, her name is Thyme Aconitum and then whatever last name you give her. She isn't safe with me and I can think of no better place for her to be. She isn't like normal humans, but she shouldn't have any powers until later on in her life. Please, I beg of you, take in my baby girl and don't send her to an orphanage. She needs to be on the move at all times, and with the tours you do, this is the best place for her. Thank you very much.

I sighed and took Thyme up in my arms, taking the note with me. It was dark out, and I needed to make sure the Batman didn't see me. Luckily, it didn't seem that he did, and I found my way to the outside of the circus tent. 

"Mama?" Thyme muttered. I smiled.

"Your mama loves you Thyme, know this. I'll forever miss you." I said, placing my baby down and taking one last picture of her. I could hear her cries as I ran back to my apartment. I sighed and opened the door.

There was no worse feeling than letting your baby go.

I uploaded her picture to my computer and it shone brightly.

Just then, the door was kicked open and Slade stood in the doorway. I gasped and stepped back.

"WHERE IS SHE!" Slade yelled.

"I hid her! She's my daughter and I won't let you use her!" I shouted back at him. It was a death sentence doing this, but I didn't care. She's my baby girl.

"You forget she is my daughter as well and you cannot hide her from me." Slade snarled.

"I won't tell you where she is, and by the time you have an idea where to look she'll be long gone!" I snapped. Slade than pushed a katana through me neck and I fell over, my last though being of my baby girl, my baby Thyme.


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