Chapter 16

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Once again, Thyme has a new costume! Good job me! *tried to high five self but ends up slapping self in the face* Ow... Just.... Here's the costume...

The green electronic thingys will be explained

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The green electronic thingys will be explained.

3rd POV

Batman shook at Thyme's words. A mistake? His mistake? Was that all she thought she was?

"Please, let's go to the Batcave so I can explain." Batman pleaded. Thyme scoffed, but allowed herself to be lead to the Batcave.

"Explain." She ordered as she took off her mask and Bruce pulled down his cowl.

"You got hurt Thyme, you almost didn't make it, I can't bear to lose you too." Bruce tried to explain.

"Playing the dead parent care already? You must be really desperate." Thyme scoffed.

"Thyme please understand." Bruce pleaded.

"You wanted me to be indestructible. Like you. But I wasn't. I've been hurt before Bruce. I know how to take a hit and I survived! I got hurt once and you take away the second most precious thing in my life!" Thyme yelled.

"I understand I may have overreacted, but Thyme you are my daughter!" Bruce yelled.

"I'm not your daughter! You just took care of me!" Thyme refuted.

"Dick and I are the closest thing you have to a family!" Bruce shouted.

"Dick is my brother, yes, but you aren't my family! I have a perfectly capable mother out there!" Thyme yelled. Bruce froze.

"Poison Ivy is not capable of taking care of you." Bruce glared.

"Right now, she's better than you." Thyme glared back as the zetaed to who knows where.

Thyme's POV

"Right now, she's better than you." I glared at Bruce as I zetaed away to Central City, where I knew my mom had connections. I went out into the town and looked for one of the many villains out tonight. I ended up finding Vertigo.

"Vertigo!" I waved as he turned around.

"Nightshade, why are you in Central City?" He questions. My vigilante state allowed me to be accepted by the villains that weren't Gotham, but then again the Gotham villains were protective of me at times.

"I need a favor." I asked.

"What type of favor?" Vertigo asked in his heavy accent.

"I need you to help me find someone." I said almost sheepishly.

"Who?" Vertigo questioned.

"My mother, Poison Ivy." I answered.

"Ivy is your mother? Well I can take you to her, come." Vertigo instructed. I followed and I was brought to my mother.

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