Chapter 2

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A Little Over Three Years Later

My life as Blackbird makes my cry sometimes. I'm not part of the Young Justice league that Robin is in. Instead, I went with Roy. Why I did I won't ever know. But I did, and I've been hiding from everyone since then. It's just been Blackbird and Red Arrow, Thyme and Roy. It can be pretty nice though. We have an apartment, and we're living alright. I mean, getting money is hard since I can't have a normal job, as I am thirteen, but I can get money here and there. Not all our jobs are honest, but it doesn't matter. We don't break any laws, we still are heroes after all.

"Hey Red, I got a 5-15 on Gold." I said, checking my watch that had a police tracker in it.

"Cool Black, suit up and we'll be there in 2." Red said as we got into our suits and got to the location of the crime.

The thief was running away, and we weren't going to be able to catch him.

"God dammit we missed him!" Red protested.

"Did you forget who I am?" I asked, grabbing Red's arm and time jumping back a minute, and since it was less than a minute, we didn't have any side affects.

The thief had been in the middle of the start of his escape.

I turned towards him and used my martial arts skills and swiftly knocked him out.

Red and I fist bumped and went back home.

I took off my mask and fell on the couch sighing happily.

"Your powers are quite helpful T." Roy smiled as we took off our masks.

"You know they are. I'm glad I chose you, Bat never let me use my powers." I joked but turned more serious at the end.

"Well I'm glad you chose me too. Come on, I got an alert again." Roy sighed as my watch went off.

"Ugh, five minutes of peace please! We aren't even in Gotham anymore!" I complained.

"Don't I know it. Come on Black." Red said as we hopped from our apartment once again.

We made it to the heist and Red shot an arrow of gas. I teleported us to a better spot for Red to aim.

"Didn't know you could teleport?" Red said, subtly asking for an explanation on how.

"Time jump to a millisecond before that point in time, placing myself in a new location while I'm at it." I explained as I shot my own arrow. I wasn't a good as Red or Green obviously, but I could shoot well. I was better with gadgets but Red insisted I knew how to use a bow and arrow. Then again I did make him learn to use a few gadgets and all. So we were even.

The main perp caught sight of us.

"You two again! I'm starting to get insulted Green Arrow's not messing up my operations personally!" He shouted, pointing a gun at us.

He shot and Red and I jumped to another ledge. He shot a few more times before Red shot an arrow into the gun and I hid so to use my prized gadget, my watch. I personally made my watch with plenty of features, and with no shame I did hack the justice league's system to get a little more science but hey.

I used my watch and went into camo mode and came back out. I taught Red how to notice me, so he knew where I was, but luckily, he was the only one.

The perp's suit was destroyed, and he wasn't happy.

"Do you know what I pay for a suit in my size?!" He yelled before turning to his men.

"Scorch the earth boys." He ordered.

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