Chapter 6

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Thyme's POV

I took Dick with me directly to a forest I conjured in my mind. Once we were there I waved my hand and Roy and Wally appeared beside Dick and I.

I waved my hand again and the boy's superhero suits were replaced with their civilian clothes.

"Thyme, why did you bring us with you?" Roy asked.

"Well... I love my mind, but it's just me here and that's the only thing I can't do... have a friend with me..." I explained, sadly.

"T, why do you really not want to go back to reality?" Dick asked. I stiffened up.

"Y-you know w-why..." I lied, stuttering.

"You only stutter when you lie Thyme." Wally said, placing a tender hand on my shoulder.

"Because I always fail... I'm just a burden for this team... I start by abandoning my family, then coming and dying first in a training simulation for the exact reason Bruce wouldn't let me use my powers, I became dependent on them, and I think he had Martian Manhunter disable my powers to see what I would do..." I rambled, breaking down into tears.

Rain starts to fall.

3rd POV

As Thyme cries, rain begins to fall within her mind.

The other heroes, still attempting to find a way out of the smokey enclosure they are trapped in, with only Batman being able to cross the barrier, take note of this sudden rain and look to Martian Manhunter for answers.

"Why is it raining Uncle J'onn? Is Tia alright!?" M'gann exclaimed.

"Calm down, I believe that Blackbird is alright, and I can assume this rain is stemming for tears." The Martian answered, his tone growing sadder by the end on the explanation.

He was not the only one experiencing effects, in fact, the entire League was; yet the Young team was unaffected.

"Are you all alright?" Aqualad asked.

As he asked, the League started dissolving into nothingness.

"What's happening Uncle J'onn?!" M'gann exclaimed.

"Blackbird is evicting us from her mind; her telepathic strength is undeniable and I will not be able to hold the League and you all in here for long. You need to find Blackbird and fast, for I fear if she were to see Robin, Kid Flash, and Red Arrow vanish as we are, she wouldn't be able to exit her mind..." Martian Manhunter said, trailing off as the League vanished, leaving only Artemis, Aqualad, Superboy, and M'gann.

"Alright, let's find Tia." M'gann declared.

"M'gann, could you try and locate her with your telepathy?" Artemis asked, not aware that her teammates had been stripped of their powers; as she herself had no powers to be stripped of.

M'gann shook her head.

"When we entered her mind, since we aren't in our bodies, none of us have any superpowers. The same hold true for Wally, so he's speed less. Not to mention that if things went wrong, Tia probably could strip us of any abilities we have." M'gann theorized.

"Abilities?" Artemis asked.

"When M'gann is implying, is that if she had the need to, with us being inside of Tia's mind, she could remove your good aim with a bow, reverting you aim to what is was the first time you shot an arrow." Aqualad explained.

"Not good then..." Artemis muttered.

"Goys, now is not the time for that, we need to find Tia, and quickly. We only have so much time." Superboy reminded and the team went to the force field.

"Tia? Please Tia just let us explain why we want you back!" M'gann called into the smoke and as soon as it had come, the rain stopped.

"Why do you want me? I'm just a setback, a problem. I was the first to DIE on our mission and now I've dragged you all into my mind. I'm just a problem. Why don't you just go back to reality and stab a knife through my heart; ending your problems!" Thyme's voice cried.

"Please Tia! We just want our friend back! And you weren't a burden during the simulation! You saved all of our lives! You should have seen Wally and Dick; they went from playful and happy to beating the absolute everything out of any enemy they saw! I couldn't look into their eyes without crumbling from how much rage they held!" Artemis exclaimed.

As Artemis finished, Roy, Wally, and Dick came from the smoke. Dick and Roy were wearing glasses to conceal their identities.

"Is that true...?" Thyme asked, wearing glasses as well.

"Yes Tia, it's true. Come in, lets go home." M'gann smiled, extending a hand for Thyme to take. Thyme was hesitant, but took M'gann's hand and smiled.

The team looked happy and they all vanished from Thyme's mind.

As soon as Thyme was back in reality, she was bombarded by hugs... maybe she wasn't a burden or a failure...

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