Chapter 3

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"What am I going to do?! Red'll kill me by daybreak!" I panicked.

"He won't kill you B, he'll be mad for a while, but he'll get over it. You're with Robin after all. He saw it coming. You two can't be apart for long." Wally consoled.

"Wait, one moment, back up here, what is your and Robin's relationship?" M'gann asked.

"Oh, he's my brother! I was adopted." I explained before turning back to the problem at hand.

"Alright, I can't dawdle, I need to tell him. I'll be back." I said, running to the zeta tubes and showing up in Star city.

"R-Roy!?" I called into our apartment once I got there.

"Thyme! You're back." Roy greeted.

"Yeah... about that..." I said.

"Go." Roy smiled.

"Huh?!" I exclaimed.

"Go to Dick and Bruce, I knew it was coming eventually, but if you ever are in over your head, I'll be there in an instant." Roy softly took my hands and nodded to me.

I wrapped him in a hug.

"Thank you! Thank you so much for understanding Roy!" I said, teary eyed.

"It's nothing, now, go back to the cave and give Wally, Kaldur'ahm and Dick my regards." Roy said, practically shoving me into my room to get my stuff.

I giggled and gathered my stuff before just teleporting to the cave, not wanting to drag all my things to the zeta tube.

"I'm back for good!" I called plopping all my things down. It wasn't all that much, Red and I didn't live luxuriously.

Robin rammed into me wrapping me into a hug, which I returned.

"Hey.... by any chance do you guys have a trapeze?" I asked, beaming and bouncing up and down.

"Take a right by the training room B." Robin smiled as I took off faster than you could say Flash.

I stepped into the room and saw the beautiful trapeze. I squealed and climbed up.

I looked around to see my startled teammates just getting to the door and looking to me. I looked to Robin and he nodded.

My hands grasped the dowel and I jumped off. I was flying! I was flying again! This was where I belonged! I was home! I was happy!

3rd POV

Blackbird gracefully did flips and twists upon the trapeze. She thought that a trapeze should make her sad of the memories of her parents, but she just felt closer to them, and she felt warm.

"Come on Robin! Join me!" Blackbird laughed as she jumped down, preforming a quintuple flip.

"A quintuple flip!? Black I've been in the business longer than you and I have trouble with a quadruple flip!" Robin blurted.

"Well, if you don't want to do the trapeze with me will you ref a race?" Blackbird pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

Robin looked over to his team.

"Anyone take her challenge?" He asked.

"You are on." Kid Flash said, stepping up.

"I do believe that someone else should race Blackbird, as it would not be a fair fight if you fought her Wally." Kaldur butted in.

"No, no, I could beat Wally in my sleep, but I'm itching for a race." Blackbird intervened.

"Alright then. You have 5 minutes to lap the mountain as many times as you can. Let's go outside to keep watch. I'll set up a system to count their laps." Robin said as we went outside. Wally stopped for a snack to keep his juice up.

Thyme's POV

Wally and I went outside and got into position. After working with Red, I've gotten much better with my powers, so I don't tire as easily.

Robin shouted from above.

"3... 2... 1... GO!" He called and I started at a normal pace, letting Wally lap me twice. I heard some sighs and I smirked before getting back into runners stance.

I heard some words being exchanged above.

"What's she doing?"

"Kid has superspeed, and she does not, why did she challenge him?"

"So I don't have superspeed? Wanna bet!?" I yelled as I fast forwarded my time to surpass the speed of the Flash as I sprinted around the mountain.

I finished my laps and Kid finished his laps. We went inside to see the totals and I smiled, knowing where this was going.

"Alright the results are in! Kid Flash finished with a total of 52 laps and Blackbird finished with a total of.... 126 laps!" Robin exclaimed.

"Told you I could beat you in my sleep!" I teased.

"Oh come on you're not a real speedster! You cheater!" Wally accused.

"You should have seen her in the Watchtower man, she challenged Flash and won many times. When she didn't win she discreetly time jumped but I caught her some of the time." Robin laughed.

"Hah! Now, I'm going to take a walk, anyone coming with?" I announced.

"I'll come!" M'gann exclaimed.

"Great, let me change and I'll be right there!" I smiled, running off to change.

This was nice. I had my brother, and I had a new family. Roy was wrong about one thing.

Young Justice wasn't a joke. They were just a good as the league themselves.

Blackbird (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now