Chapter 8

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(A/N) So if you haven't noticed yet, I'm kinda giving up on episode based episodes, as they actually take alot of time and effort coping down each and every line of dialogue and putting in my character, so I'll be doing more one shotty type things since Thyme has been developed enough.

Thyme's POV

We were all sitting at the cave, bored. There were no missions, no cities to guard, nothing. That's when Wally, being the guy he is, speeded out of the cave and came back with seven giant bags of candy. My eyes widened, and I could tell that Dick's eyes did the same.

"MOVIE NIGHT!" He cried, spreading out the candy on the table.

I looked to Dick and shrugged. A little bit couldn't hurt, right?

3rd POV

Three movies later and seven bags of candy later, the team was quite tired and didn't realize anything was off until they heard the computer.

Zeta Beams Offline

The team instantly awoke and looked around. Wally's eyes widened in shock when he noticed both Blackbird and Robin were missing.

"Crap... they ate too much candy..." He muttered.

"They? Who are they?" Superboy asked.

"Tia and Rob. They get on crazy sugar highs and I just gave them candy. We're doomed." Wally answered.

"It cannot be that bad my friend." Kaldur said with a reassuring smile when suddenly all the lights flickered off and Tia and Robin appeared in the middle of the room.

"Hide and seek! Hide and seek!" Tia chanted.

"Yes! Let's play hide and seek! Tia and I will seek! You all hide!" Robin exclaimed. Wally didn't need to be told twice. He sped off so fast he a,most beat his record.

"My friends, we are all tired, we'll play tomorrow though." Kaldur smiled. The action was not returned.

"Play, or we'll make you." Tia threatened. She and Robin both clasped weapons and glared. The team shrank back and ran.

Robin and Tia shut their eyes and counted to 10. As they left, the creepily hummed the tune of pop goes the weasel, very slowly.

They slowly entered Wally's room.

Wally was hidden under the bed, cowering. He hadn't thought of what would happen if Dick and Thyme got sugar. They hadn't had any for years because of what happened to them when they were on a sugar high. Last time Wally had given the two ninja's sugar he had to talk to Black Canary for four months after. He doesn't like to think about it much. He tried to slow his rapid and heavy breathing. The room became silent for a while, and Wally let out a breath of relief, thinking the pair had left. No sooner had the air exited his lips, a small silver sphere rolled under the bed. Wally staggered out, holding his breath for dear life, wanting to speed out of the room, but he found that the door had been blocked with an invisible force. He kept pressing on it, but the black that was creeping in the corners of his eyes took hold of his full vision and he fell to the flood, completely unconscious.

The pair let out a maniacal laugh and brought him to an empty room where he was swiftly tied up.

Artemis had been hiding in the closet, but luckily got to her rebreather in time before she inhaled the gas. Artemis just assumed Thyme put herself and Robin in a bubble so the gas couldn't reach them. She saw Wally get dragged out and went to hide under the couch. She tensed when she heard two pairs of footsteps slowly walking around the room. Artemis could tell they were trying to scare whoever was there, and they knew someone was there. Artemis heard them leave when suddenly, she flashed into the room where Wally was, and she was too tied up.

"WHAT THE- Oh wait... I forget Tia has freaking time manipulation..." She grumbled before admitting defeat and biting her cheek, wishing she didn't have to do this.

"How do we get out Baywatch? We need a plan." Artemis mumbled, hating to ask Wally for help. Luckily for her, Wally seemed too traumatized to really care about the great and power Artemis asking him for help.

"We need to contact the League. Next time somebody comes in here I'll vibrate until the knots come undone and I can race out the door to contact the league. I need you on distraction Arty." Wally ordered. Artemis hated taking orders from him even more than asking for help, but she didn't have a choice. Artemis nodded and they waited for the next person to be found.

Megan was in the kitchen, in camo mode flying by the ceiling when she noticed Tia's prying eyes, searching like a hawk. Tia's eyes stopped on Megan, and she silently prayed Tia hadn't actually seen her, but when she took out a match from the drawer, she knew she'd been spotted. When she tried to fly away, she was knocked out by the fire getting too close.

Tia dragged the unconscious martian to the room and tied her up.

"Hey Tia! You think these ropes will hold?" Artemis taunted. "I can get out of here whenever I want!" She continued. Tia turned to feel a gust of wind on her back and a missing Wally. Tia ran from the room and saw Wally frantically talking to the League. She slammed her hand onto his head, knocking him out cold.

"Hiya Daddy! Wally cheated in our game! I'll just take him back to his room now! Bye!" Thyme smiled as she turned off the communications. On the other side, the league was shocked.

"What happened to her?" Flash asked.

"She called me Daddy. Oh god what did your nephew do." Batman grumbled.

"What did Wally do?" Flash asked.

"Thyme only calls me daddy when she's on a sugar high, sick, or really tired. I bet you Wally gave both Dick and Thyme candy." Batman answered as he hacked into the zeta tubes and turned them back on.

When he got to the room, he was immediately bombarded by Kaldur and Superboy.

"Aqualad, Superboy. Did Wally give Blackbird and Robin sugar?" Batman demanded.

"I am afraid so." Kaldur answered.

"You two go home, I will take care of this." Batman instructed as he opened Dick's door too find the siblings lying asleep on the bed, snuggled together. Batman let a small smile go and let them sleep, finding the rest of the team, and sending them home. He then went and took his two wards and brought them back to the manor, placing the two still fast asleep children in their shared room.

"Te iubesc tati..." (I love you daddy) Thyme muttered in her sleep.

"Si eu te iubesc." (I love you too.) Bruce smiled as he let the two sleep in peace.

Blackbird (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now