Chapter 18

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(A/N) Alright, I'm moving on with the story, and I am doing the AU Twist. Hope you like it!

Thyme's POV

I groggily opened my eyes. There was a pot by me and I saw Bruce and Dick standing by me.

Did it work?" I asked groggily. Bruce motioned to a pot full of dirt. I put her hand out.

Nothing happened.

"So... it did work... They're gone." I mused as I laid back down.

"Just your plant powers Thyme, your time powers are fine." Robin comforted me.

"Good." I murmured as I fell back asleep.

Time Skip

When I woke back up I was alone in the room. I rubbed my eyes and put on my sunglasses and noticed some clothes on the table by me. I smiled as I knew Dick put them there knowing I'd want to get out of my costume.

I put on the clothes and went into the main room of the Batcave. I was still alone, but I went to the zeta tubes and took a deep breath. I stepped in and teleported to Mount Justice. The whole team was in the main room. I nervously waved.

"I... I owe you all an apology." I shakily said.

"You don't owe anyone an apology, at least you don't owe me one." Robin smiled.

"Same here." Wally backed him.

"You're cool girl, and we have our kick ass time lord back." Artemis smiled, making me suppress a giggle.

"Welcome back, my friend." Kaldur smiled warmly at me.

"Thank you all, and I have to tell you something..." I took a deep breath.

"I used a serum to rid myself of my ability to control plants." I said. Everyone stared at me. They all had powers, and they all knew getting rid of them was like getting rid of their arm or eye, their powers were a part of them.

"Why?" M'gann asked.

"Ivy, my mother... Joker killed her." I said, a tear running down my cheek.

There was a silence.

I felt Wally's arms around me. I cried into his chest a little bit before I hugged him back.

"Thanks. I'm going to go on patrol, and for once I'm going to offer this to the metas in the room... anyone coming?" I looked at Artemis and M'gann. 

"Wait, you're letting metas in Gotham?" Robin asked.

"Just this once?" I pleaded. Robin sighed, but nodded. I looked to Artemis and M'gann. I knew Artemis knew Gotham, since she was at heart a Gotham hero. The two nodded and we got into outfits before going to Gotham.

We were sitting on a skyscraper and laughing when I felt a prick on my neck. I saw Artemis and M'gann felt the same. I felt my neck to see a dart. CRAP! I looked for the culprit but my vision fell to black and I passed out.

Time Skip

I woke up. I was lying with my back facing the ceiling and I had chains on my hands and feet, along with an inhibitor collar around my neck. I could feel that someone had cut the fabric of my costume that covered my back off. I groaned as I struggled a little bit.

"Awake are you Thyme?" I heard the Clown Prince of Crime laugh.

"Joker. What do you want?" I hissed.

"I thought, who are the only birds who don't have wings?" He laughed as Robin was brought into the room in the same situation as myself with his own costume cut.

"Robin!" I cried in horror.

"Shh, Star it'll be fine." Robin tried to sooth me.

"Such sweet words! He really is the protective older brother isn't he! Too bad Mommy's dead!" Joker laughed.

"DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK OF MY MOTHER LIKE THAT YOU SWINE!" I snapped. Joker just laughed and came over to Robin and I with two syringes.

Whatever was in the serum was injected into my blood, and then the same was done to Robin.

It felt like nothing happened for a moment, but then I was hit was searing pain across my upper back. Tears fell freely down my face as I saw the same happening to Robin.

He broke out screaming.

It didn't take me long to follow his example.

I saw Robin black out from the pain.

Everything went black.

Time Skip

When I woke up I was outside of the abandoned warehouse, and Robin was lying beside me. He was waking up. My vision was a bit blurry, so I rubbed my eyes.

I gasped.

"Robin! Y-You're back!" I pointed out in shock. Protruding from his back were two large feathered wings. They were the same inky black as his hair. Robin pointed to me.

"Y-You have wings!" He exclaimed.

I looked behind me to see the same type of wings Robin had, and they were also black. I screamed.

"Star! Calm down!" Robin yelled, grabbing my shoulders.

I looked at him.

"We need to get to either Mount Justice or the Batcave, alright?" Robin said. I nodded and we stood up. Walking with the wings was weird, but I managed.

We were about a mile off when I remembered something. I brought my hand up to my neck and felt the collar.

"Robin we need to get this collar off of me. Then I can teleport us back." I said. Robin nodded and took out a bird-a-rang and cut the collar open. He then cut a wire and the collar fell off. I felt my powers return and I grabbed onto Robin. I teleported us to the Batcave.

"BRUCE?!" I shouted.

"ALFRED?!" Dick added. Bruce and Alfred came down the elevator and gasped.

"How...?" Bruce asked dumbfounded.

"Joker had this serum, he injected it into our blood. It must have given us these..." I motioned to the wings.

"We will not be telling anyone about this. Who knows what effects the serum may also have had." Bruce instructed.

"We understand." Dick muttered as we sat on the med bay.

"I won't cut them off, but I would like you to wrap them and keep them hidden under your suits. We will talk about this later." Bruce said as he passed us some gauze and left. I looked to Dick sadly. What was Joker really after?

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