Chapter 14

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3rd POV

Thyme lay in a hospital bed, breathing slowly, unconscious. The team stood around the bed, looking at the sleeping bird, although they were at a slight distance, with Wally, Roy, and Dick guarding the bird, not letting even the team get near her.

Thyme was beaten and bruised, and she had more than once broken rib. The mission they had been on had been a trap, and out of everyone, she was singled out by the villain to be beat for information she wouldn't relinquish. After what felt like hours, Robin finally awoke to see his sister being beat with a crowbar. Something seemed to snap within him, and he had let out a yell before fully snapping the ropes binding him in two and attacking the man who had dared hurt his precious baby sister. He ended up in a worse state than Thyme as Robin freed KF, leaving him to take Thyme back to the cave to get medical attention as he freed everyone else. As soon as they were free he vanished, and by the time everyone else had gotten to the cave, Roy, Wally, and Dick were all standing protectively around her.

That brings us to now. Robin quietly left the room, leaving his sister for a mere moment, to talk to Batman. The two went into a soundproof and camera free room. The door was locked, and the two abandoned their masks.

"We have to retire her." Bruce said outright.

"You know she won't let you. She'll go back to Roy and they'll fly solo again." Dick argued, but his tone told the Bat that he had similar wishes to himself.

"Then we'll have her man the technological aspects of the mission, from the cave. We'll tell her she's a better hacker and we need her to do the hacking from here, so that you can focus on fighting." Bruce offered. Dick shook his head.

"Bruce, we can't do this to her. She loves this life, I should know, I love it too. Remember when we told her once she couldn't go on patrol since she broke her wrist? She went out anyways and took out Joker solo, almost losing her foot in the process. We can't stop her, at least I know that much." Dick said sadly as he left, putting his mask back on as he went back to his sister. Bruce put his cowl back on and thought about how he would keep her away from the hero life. One thing was for sure, Bruce was not losing his baby girl any time soon.

Time Skip

Thyme had woken up about a week ago, and had been in bed rest since. She finally was up and about, fully healed after she made some healing potion type stuff from her plant powers. Batman came into the cave and assigned a simple mission.

"...get in get out. Go get suited up." Batman finished. Thyme turned to get suited up, but Batman stopped her.

"Blackbird, we are having you stay here to deal with the technological aspect of this mission." Batman ordered.

"Why can't Robin do it? Or why can't I do it there? Why do I have to stay here?" Blackbird fired off questions.

"You are a faster hacker than Robin, and we will need the team focused, and if you or Robin were to do the hacking there you wouldn't be fully focused. So we are keeping you here to deal with that." Batman explained. Blackbird huffed, but did as told. The team was informed of her status and went on the mission. Blackbird did her job, and the team came back, the mission successful, but Blackbird was not happy.

This is how it was for the next three missions, the team going out and Thyme being forced to stay back. After the third mission, she had had enough.


Everyone stayed quiet. The team, by now, had learned of Batman's intent.

"Blackbird, I don't want you getting hurt again." Batman said after some silence.

"IT'S PART OF THE JOB! A JOB I LOVE BY THE WAY!" Blackbird screamed.

"Tia, he just wants to keep you safe." M'gann tried to reason.


"That's it! Blackbird, Robin, come with me, we are going to the cave." Batman glared, and Robin and Blackbird trudged behind him. They zetaed to the Batcave.

"Change into civvies, both of you." Batman ordered. The kids did as told and they came out.

"Thyme, I'm retiring Blackbird." Bruce said. Thyme's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates.

"WHAT!!!" She screamed.

"You heard me, no more Blackbird. I am retiring the role, and that is final." Bruce glared before he left. Thyme fell to the floor crying, knowing she couldn't change his decision. Dick rubbed small circles on her back until she feel asleep crying. Dick took her to her room and went to the library, where he knew Bruce would be working.

"She's never going to forgive you you know." Dick said, leaning on the door frame.

Bruce sighed. "I know, but I am not letting that happen to her again."

"You might have to work solo again, she'll probably ask why I am not being retired, and you'll have to retire me too." Dick added.

"So be ready. Where is she anyway?" Bruce asked.

"She cried herself to sleep, I took her to her bed." Dick said lazily.

"You left her alone?" Bruce asked, fearing the most likely conclusion to Thyme being alone.

"She's asleep, isn't she?" Dick said, guessing what Bruce was fearing. The two exchanged glances before running to her room and slamming open the door.

The window was open, the breeze ruffling the curtains inward. The bed was unmade and...


Blackbird (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora