Chapter 9

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3rd POV

Bruce finally let Dick and Thyme go back to the cave after a week of being locked in their rooms. When Dick and Thyme entered, they were swarmed.

"You're back! How you holding up?" Megan asked.

"We're doing fine no thanks to Wally, but you deserved what was coming to you. Anyways, Batman finally un-grounded us so we came here." Thyme smiled.

"Yeah, the last few days are fuzzy, but we should be all better now." Robin smiled.

"So, to test if we are doing alright, who wants to spar!" Thyme attempted.

"NO!" Everyone yelled, causing Thyme to pout.

"No offence my friend, but you have already proven yourself on the battlefield." Aqualad said polity. Thyme nodded and they all went to socialize.

After some time, Bruce called them on a mission. Thyme jumped up and teleported us all to the mission room. Batman sighed, and went on with explaining the mission.

"Team, Clayface is in the sewers and I am sending you to apprehend him." Batman instructed as the team left.

"Batman. We found something." Flash said, zetaing into the cave, his face deadly serious.

Batman curtly nodded and followed the speedster back through the zeta tubes and to the Watchtower, where the original seven of the league were waiting. Two bars of DNA were shown on the screen, and it could be seen that one was the father, and the other the daughter. Black Canary walked over to Batman.

"How did you know? It's been over ten years, and he isn't one to leave a trace." Black Canary asked Batman, careful with her words.

"It was her fighting style Dinah, she fights just like him. I brushed it off at first as a coincidence, but after what he said to me when we fought, I couldn't take any chances." Batman said solemnly.

"What did he say?" Superman asked.

"He told me 'I know you have her, and I want my Blackbird back.'" Batman quoted.

"How did he even know it was her?" Green Arrow asked.

"He most likely figured out my identity and took it from there." Batman sighed.

"What are we going to do?" Martian Manhunter asked.

"Should we tell her?" Flash asked, but Batman strictly cut him off.

"No. We will not tell her anything. She knows she isn't related to Dick by blood, and is only adopted, but that is all she needs to know. The team cannot afford that strife between them if this information were to get out. We are to keep this between ourselves for the time being, understood?: Batman snapped.

"Batman, you know he will go after her." Wonderwoman tried to reason.

"No. She is my daughter now and I am not letting him take her away from me! Is this understood!" Batman ordered, glaring daggers at the league.

"We understand, Batman, although we will not tell her ourselves, we still urge you to tell her." Aquaman admitted defeat and the Justice League left to guard their cities. Batman looked back at the DNA once more before leaving himself.

Thyme's POV

Clayface had proven to be a nuisance and had lured us to an old warehouse to fight. It had been around half an hour, and Miss Martian, Kid Flash, and Superboy were all down. Clayface threw out his arm and covered Robin and I in a clay bubble and tried to suffocate us. Black was clouding my vision as I heard a battle cry and Clayface's arm came tumbling out. Robin and my own lungs greedily took in the air, until everything went black.

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