Chapter 4

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Blackbird's POV

I changed into my more, civilian clothes. Just a simple tee shirt with a black and violet dragon weaving around it. I thought it complemented my hair. My shorts were jean shorts and I wore dark sunglasses.

I met M'gann in the main area and she was in her Caucasian form: Megan Morse. I wasn't sure what to say about my name - so I quickly pulled Robin to the side.

"Bro... name..." I pointed out.

"Good point. Blackbird isn't human at all like Robin... why not just Black? It could work as I know that you know we can't use our names." Robin suggested.

"Alright then." I smiled as I went over to Megan and we left for the walk on the beach.

"So, what should I call you while we're in public?" Megan asked.

"Black. Or if you want you can make a nickname." I smiled.

"Later, I'll do a nickname. It's got to be perfect. So for now I'll call you Black. Maybe Bird, who knows." She smiled back at me before I spotted the mall down the road from the beach.

"Mall?" I asked, smirking a bit. I was totally dressing her up and watching the boys squirm.

"EEEE! YES!" She squealed as she dragged me to the mall.

"Well then. To the clothing store. You little miss Megan are getting a makeover and you can't stop me." I smirked and pushed her into a clothing store.

"Wait what?! Makeover!!?!?!?!" She squealed again.

"Stop squealing. Pleeeasseee." I begged as I finally found the dress. It stopped at her knees and was a nice aqua that would compliment her complexion when she wasn't Caucasian. It had dark blue lining and came with a lapis lazuli pendant.

"Change into it!" I ordered and shoved her into a changing room as I went to get my own dress. I can have my fun too. Especially if I beat Wally in a race, while wearing a dress.

I finally found my own dress after some looking and chose a deep violet dress that stopped past my knees. It had black lining and came with a moonstone pendant.

I got into my own changing room and put the dress on. I loved it and took it off again before checking on Megan.

"How's it going in there?" I asked. I only got a muffled response so I laughed and teleported into the room and helped her get the dress over her head. It fit her nicely so I paid and we left. I absolutely refused to let Megan pay. 

After that we went to a mask stop so that I could have a masquerade mask rather than my hero mask or sunglasses. I found an amethyst one and bought that. I also got a aquamarine one for Megan so we matched.

Next I got some cosmetics and brought us to a place so I could discretely teleport us to the cave - as to not be seen changing into our outfits and applying makeup.

We were in M'gann's room and her skin changed back to green.

"Ready?" I asked as I sat her down.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She smiled as I applied the special green makeup I bought for her. After her makeup was done I swiftly applied my own and put on the mask before helping M'gann with hers and putting on our dresses.

"Time to annoy the boys a bit." I smirked as we stepped out of her room and I checked around by stopping time and seeing where everyone was.

I came to M'gann and told her where each boy was.

Superboy was watching static in the living room.

Wally was in the kitchen.

Aqualad was in the pool.

Finally, Robin was in the vents. I wasn't surprised.

"Alright M'gann, can you telepathically tell everyone to meet in the main foyer so we can show off?" I asked. She nodded and I assumed she told the boys.

I took her by the arm and teleported us to the main foyer. All the boys rushed in, but payed no attention to us.

"Why aren't they noticing that we are standing here? I mean I think at least Wally would notice, and Robin would totally notice you..." M'gann pointed out.

"That's because I froze a bubble of time around us. Light cannot pass through an area with no time, so we are, by all means, invisible. I'll lower the bubble once Robin notices it. If you want to, I can tie a bubble to you so we don't have to be anywhere near each other." I offered.

"Let's see what we can do." M'gann smiled as she walked off.

I nodded and walked over to a vase, before promptly throwing it. It froze on contact with my bubble, and I let it hang for a second before I stepped back and it fell. That's all it took before realization his Robin's face. He looked to Wally.

"Wally. Run around every inch of this room. Find them." He ordered as Wally just stared at Robin like he was insane.

"Find them?" Wally asked.

"By making a bubble around herself in which time is frozen, Blackbird can turn invisible. I want you to find her." Robin explained as Wally eventually put 2 and 2 together and started running. I heard a muffled chuckle from M'gann, who I could still see and hear, as it was my frozen bubble of time.

Wally ran around the room and got to the edge of my bubble before standing stalk still.

"What happened to him?" M'gann asked.

"He hit my frozen bubble in time. So, he's frozen." I smiled before taking a sidestep as Robin ran towards me, being careful not to hit my bubble.

Robin smirked and pulled out a little device from his belt and I made a run for it. Robin kept a small device in his belt that I specially made so if my powers were every not me own, we would never be effected.

"Alright, come out." He ordered before I sighed and ran to him and gave him a hug, resulting in shocked gasps from the team as Robin vanished into my bubble.

"There you are T. Come on, lower the bubble." He smiled and I did as told, making myself visible once again, showing the team M'gann and my outfits.

"Wow." Was all that escaped Wally's lips.

"You two look great." Kaldur complimented.

"Thank you." I said, lightly curtseying.

"Black picked them out. OH I ALMOST FORGOT!" M'gann exclaimed.

"What?" Robin asked.

"WE HAVE PERMISSION TO GIVE BLACK A HUMAN NICKNAME!" She yelled, causing me to laugh.

"Robin and I will go into the other room. He already has his nicknames for me." I smiled as Robin and I sat in another room.

"Masquerade mask so you don't have to wear your glasses. Nice." Robin complimented as I switched my mask for my sunglasses.

"Yeah, and I wanted to see M'gann in a dress. She looks nice." I smiled.

"Quite. Why did you let M'gann pick a nickname for you?" Robin asked.

"Black was only temporary. So I'll let her pick since I couldn't possibly." I explained.

"Nice. Think their done?" Robin asked. I didn't have time to answer as KF burst into the room and pulled us back to the main cave.

"Git my nickname?" I asked M'gann.

"Yes..... Tia."

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