Chapter 17

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Thyme's POV

"My bother and his friends will be coming soon, please, leave him to me. Alright?" I asked the Injustice League.

"You have been such a help flower, I think Joker can back off the birdie this once." Mom smiled. I looked to Joker.

"I'll do my best, but no promises." Joker grinned.

"And that is all I ask." I giggled. Joker kept the plants attacking and I did some more training with Wotan.

Time Skipidy Skippu

I watched over Joker's shoulder as Batman flew over the Gotham plant.

"Joker, can I take control of the Gotham plant? I've got some revenge I want on good 'ol Batsy." I smirked as Joker handed off the control. Batman flew over the plant and sprayed acid on it, but I used my powers to make the plant stronger. I saw Zatara set fire to a good portion of the vines, so I released the Joker Venom in the spores.

"That's good enough for me." I smiled as I gave the controls back.

Joker cackled.

"Kobra Venom's got nothing on good 'ol Joker Venom." He said.

"Both work well in concert." Vertigo said.

"Yes, but we're putting considerable strain on our baby." Mom announced.

"Don't worry Mom, we'll keep her healthy." I smiled as I rejuvenated the plant. Ultra Humanite powered up the electronics and Wotan cast a spell.

"We will keep her healthy and safe girls." Wotan reassured. I nodded lightly.

"But she requires more power, Skull!" Wotan ordered as Atomic Skull powered her up.

"Stunning, what a little teamwork can accomplish." Vertigo commented.

"And you wondered why my old team did so well?" I joked, gaining some laughs.

The alarms went off.

"Intruder alert!" Vertigo announced. He and Atom went out.

"I'll bring Robin to the cell." I told my mother as I went with Vertigo and Atom. I spotted the bio ship, but it was in camouflage mode.

"Vertigo there!" I pointed out the bio ship, which he blasted. The camouflage came off.

"There it is Atom, go!" Vertigo ordered and Atom jumped into the ship, pushing it down into the Bayou. I pulled up some vines to pull the ship down. Atom followed them and ripped a hole in the top, which M'gann quickly closed.

"Don't bother Atom, let them think they've won." I smirked as the ship was pulled under.

"Shall we prepare stage two?" Vertigo asked. I nodded, but gave a warning.

"Be warned, those who need air have re-breathers. They will come up soon." I warned as I jumped tree to tree to find them. I saw them and motioned to the others.

Vertigo blasted them, and I kept hidden in the woods, knowing Dick would head there quickly.

(A/N) I wanted to note, Aqualad said: Robin, get Blackbird, Miss Martian, fulfill the mission objective. Now back to the story.

Aqualad hit Vertigo with some water, and I assumed he ordered M'gann and Robin to go over the link. Robin vanished into the woods, and I followed him. As he was running, I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him into a clearing.

Blackbird (DISCONTINUED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें