Chapter 19

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Thyme's POV

My wings scratched against my back where they had been bound with medical tape. I kept my discomfort hidden, but I could tell Robin was in the same pain as myself.

I pushed down my pain and went into the mission room, where Batman was. We were alone for now, so I showed my discomfort.

"My wings hurt." I complained. Robin nodded.

"We'll we don't know what that serum did, and until we can figure it out, I don't want anyone knowing. While you're in the Batcave you can let them out." Batman said quietly as everyone else came in.

"Batman, do you have a mission for us?" Aqualad asked. Batman shook his head.

"There will be no missions for today." He said, and there were two audible groans, probably from Wally and Artemis. Batman then left and we went for training.

Black Canary was our "Den Mother" of the week, and Wally was still sitting in a lounge chair playing it on my team breaking his arm.

"I think this is been a productive week, I've enjoyed being your "den mother" of the week." Black Canary smiled.

"It's been productive for everyone but Kid Malingerer." Artemis joked.

"Hey! Arm broken fighting Starling, remember?" Wally snarked.

"Technically you were fighting the Injustice League and Nightshade, not Starling, Starling didn't exist yet, and I wasn't the one who broke your arm Wally, I was too busy with the fact my mother had just been killed." I glared at him.

"Sorry..." He squeaked out. I nodded my head in satisfaction and moved on.

The Zeta Tubes announced Zatara coming in, and he authorized someone named Zatanna to come in.

"Zatanna, this is the team, team, my daughter, Zatanna." Zatara introduced.

"Hi, I'm-" M'gann began but Dick cut in.

"Robin!" He cleared his throat awkwardly. "I mean, I'm Robin." He said nervously.

"Don't go getting any ideas yet lover boy I'm gonna have to see if she's good enough for you." I said coming and pushing him out of the way.

"Hi, I'm Robin's sister, name's Starling, but I've gone by both Blackbird and Nightshade in the past." I smiled lightly at her.

"This is Megan, Wally's the one with the firetruck on his head, Kaldur's the one with the darker skin, Conner's got the "s" on his shirt and Artemis is the one who got a bow." I introduced the rest of the team. 

"Welcome to the cave." Kaldur greeted politely.

"Uh, thanks." She muttered.

"So, uh, you joining the team?" Robin asked.

"U-Uh L-Lets not get ahead of ourselves, this is strictly a visit. Though I am sorry we missed the training, Zatanna could have benefited from it." Zatara told Black Canary, and Megan opened a psychic link.

"Do the rest of you get the impression we're still on probation with Zatara?" Megan asked.

"Not just Zatara, I mean, why's Marvel still hanging around?" Conner asked.

"Be-cause, we like having him around." Wally countered.

"Personally I feel like they're all watching me to make sure I don't spring up some plants and kill you all, but I mean I got rid of my plant powers, so I couldn't even do that if I tried, and if I were to kill all of you I'd stop time, so I'm definitely not a fan of the double watch." I groaned, the team knew about my getting rid of my plant powers, and were shocked at first,  but got over it.

"It almost makes one nostalgic for Red Tornado's tenure as our supervisor." Kaldur stated.

"Yeah, at least he trusted us." Robin snarked, to which I nodded.

"If you ignore the fact he shouldn't have trusted him! He was a traitor! That machine nearly got M- all of us killed!" Conner yelled.

"Are you guys having a psychic conversation? Cause I can't decide if that's cool or really rude." Zatanna pointed out.

"Alright fine, we were talking about Tornado. It's been weeks since his attack, and the League hasn't told us anything." Conner grunted.

"The League is searching for Tornado, as well as the other androids that invaded the cave and their creator, T.O. Morrow. Batman's made tracking them down our highest priority." Black Canary stated.

"I think he's got some bigger problems right about now." I whispered to Robin. He nodded before going to confront Black Canary.

"But you've found none of the above." Robin exclaimed.

"Not yet. But Tornado is Justice League, the team is not to pursue this." Black Canary finalized.

"Why don't you all take Zatanna on a tour of the... cave?" Zatara stuttered as we turned around to see Zatanna sitting with Wolf. Marvel came back in and Conner distracted him. We then left the mission room and went to the other rooms when Conner pulled Robin and I aside and into his room.

"What is it Conner?" I asked him.

"Ok, spill, you told Robin Batman's got bigger problems than Tornado. What could be bigger than that?!" Conner grunted. I sighed and took off my cape and pulled down the front of my outfit to show the tape around my midsection. I turned around and showed Conner the wings before putting everything back on.

"Joker did this to Robin and myself with some sort of serum. We got out of where he was keeping us, but we don't know anything about the wings, so Batman told us to keep them secret. For all he knows the serum could have after effects or something." I sighed.

"Wait, so you and Robin both have wings?" Conner asked. I nodded.

"We better get out there before the suspect something." Robin notified. I nodded again and we went back out.

"Please Conner, don't tell anyone, at least not yet." I pleaded. He was hesitant, but nodded. I let out a sigh and caught up with the group.

This was going to be a long day...

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