Chapter 15

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~One Month After the events of Chapter 14~

Dick's POV

It's been a month now. One whole month and Thyme is still nowhere to be found. Her trackers are long gone, and somehow she managed to get out the small tracker in her bloodstream too. She's vanished, gone, nothing. It's like she never existed, and we dreamt her up. The team was notified about her vanishing, and her persona of Thyme Grayson has been on "vacation" in France for the month. She may even actually be in France, we don't know.

I was pulled out of my thought by Bruce coming into the cave through the zeta tubes.

"Team, this is Nightshade. She showed up in Gotham not too long ago, and has been fighting crime, but she has been leaving her victims overly beaten. She also uses trace amounts of Atropa belladonna in her knives." Bruce began.

"Atropa belladonna, also known as Deadly Nightshade, no wonder where she got her name." I noted. Bruce nodded.

"Your job is to find her and bring her in for questioning. Avoid fighting if you can, but bring her in willing or unwilling." Bruce ordered the team. We nodded and left.

Thyme's POV

It's been a month since I vanished. I made a new persona for myself in that time and build up materials. I've decided that my time powers are more for back up, and I'll use concoctions I make out of the berries I grow, mostly nightshade, enter my name. Nightshade.

When Bruce retired Blackbird, I had time to think. I realized he wanted to control the criminals out of fear, but what about those who aren't afraid of Batman? They'll be afraid of me. I'll beat them until they can't scream anymore. That'll put them in their place.

I looked at my hair. It was still dyed black, and no matter what I tried, it wouldn't change back. I miss my violet hair, I've even tried dying it back, but no. Slade put some serious magic on this hair dye. No matter that, I have a job to do. I slipped on my new costume, and put on my cape. This cape is the only thing of my Blackbird costume I kept. I don't know why, but I just couldn't let it go. I guess I'm still as sentimental as I used to be.

I slipped out the window and went on patrol, looking for thugs to deal with.

I saw two thugs going in to rape a helpless woman, she was screaming, and it looked like that was it for her. Not on my watch.

I jumped down behind the thugs.

"That's no way to treat a lady." I said sassily. The thugs turned in shock.

"Who are you?" The first said cockily.

"Nightshade's the name..." I paused to pull my hand up, summoning two thick vines to wrap up the thugs. "Beating up thugs like you's my game." I finished, smirking. The thug's eyes widened in fear. I waved my hand lightly and a bush of Atropa belladonna grew and I picked three berries. 

"This, is Atropa Belladonna, or Deadly Nightshade. Now, you two are going to sit there as I give you three berries each, then your gunna fall asleep for a while, all the while getting hallucinations of everything you don't want to see. Capiche?" I asked, a sickening undertone to my voice. The thugs snapped their mouths shut and I sighed.

"Guess we're doing this the hard way." I sighed as I sped up my time and vibrated like a speedster.

"W-What are you doing?" The second thug stuttered. I smirked and ran through the thugs, dropping the berries in their mouths. The two coughed, and tried to spit out the berries, but failed, and fell unconscious. I smirked.

"And that's how you get the job done." I giggled darkly as the vines retreated into the ground. I turned around and saw the Young Justice team standing there.

"Have you been sent to collect me?" I asked rudely.

"That's a harsh way of saying it, but yes. We need to talk to you." Robin, my brother, said.

"Even though I don't have to, as you couldn't beat me, I will go with you." I said as I was lead to the bio ship. I smirked. This little girl couldn't wait to fool the worlds greatest detective.

We got to the cave and I saw Bruce. I was taken to an interrogation and I sat down, crossing my legs and inspecting my nails.

"Why are you hurting criminals in the way you are?" Bruce glared, but I had long since become immune to the Bat glare. I didn't answer.

"I asked you a question." Bruce growled.

"And I decided not to answer." I sassily replied.

"Who are you?" Bruce glared.

"You're biggest mistake." I replied cryptically.

"What do you want?" Bruce asked.

"To prove a point." I said.

"What point, and to who?" Bruce demanded.

"You know the answer to that I do believe." I said as I made myself flicker in and out of existence.

Bruce's eyes widened, but I only noticed since I'd worked with him for so long. I smirked.

"Get Robin in here, and we'll have a nice chat." I said.

"Robin." Bruce ordered. Dick came in.

"Nice to see you're in good shape brother." I said casually.

"Brother? Blackbird?" Dick asked in disbelief.

"Nope, Bats retired Blackbird remember?" I questioned angrily.

"So this is where you went the night you vanished." Bruce mused.

"Good job Captain obvious. I finally realized how idiotic you both are. You try to rule Gotham by fear, but what about those who aren't afraid? Do you do what it takes to make them afraid? No. If you won't, I will." I growled.

"Black-" Bruce began, but I cut him off.

"It's Nightshade now. Blackbird died the day you lied about needing a hacker to stay at the cave." I snapped. Bruce sighed.

"Nightshade, what you are doing isn't justice." Bruce tied to "reason."

"I'm sorry, but it is. You just have stupid morals that keep you from seeing that. If we are very much done here, I'd like to go now, and don't make me ask again." I glared when I felt something cool snap around my neck. I looked down to see and inhibitor collar.

"I'm sorry sister, but you can't go back out there and hurt more people." Dick said.

I laughed and put my hand up to the metal.

"You think this will stop me?" I asked as the metal collar sparked a little bit and fell off. Bruce and Dick stared.

"I may just go find my mother and work with her. Your greatest mistake Batman, isn't done enacting her revenge. Not yet."

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