Chapter 23

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3rd POV

Wally sped frantically around Gotham city. Where could they be!


Wait, what was that sound?


There it was again! Wally looked up and saw Starling and Robin flying above him!

"STARLING! ROBIN!" Wally shouted, and they noticed him, and flew down, glaring.

"What do you want Kid Flash?" Robin asked.

"I want you to go home, and let us go find Zucco." Wally tried to reason with the two.

"Like hell West." Starling threatened. Wally sighed.

"I will bring you back if I must." Wally threatened back. Starling didn't care.

"And I say you won't. Somnum." Starling cast her spell, and Wally started feeling woosy before falling onto his bed, where Starling had teleported him. Within half a second, he was fast asleep.

Robin and Starling exchanged glances before flapping their wings and flying up into the clouds again.

In Another Part of Gotham

Batman was looking up for his wards, knowing that they'd have taken to the skies by now. They weren't idiots, and they were blinded by rage. Batman cleared his thoughts before narrowing his eyes at the clouds, after seeing what he thought was a speck of a black feather...


Bruce sped up and shot a grappling gun to the roof of a building and went to get his wards out of the sky by sending up a flare.

Robin noticed the flare first, and pointed it out to his sister, who decided to go towards it and look for the sender.

Batman. What a total surprise.

"What do you want Batman. We have a murderer to catch." Starling demanded.

"Go home, let me take this one, alright?" Batman asked kindly, placing his hands on his children's shoulders.

"And let Slade kill you? Batman, we're not looking for Zucco. We're looking for Slade. He has Zucco." Robin countered as he and Starling moved away from the touch.

"All the more reason to let me deal with this." Batman tried again, but his children weren't having any of it, and just flew away before Batman could react.

Bruce sighed, and went to call Wally, who had been speeding around the city.

"Kid Flash?" Batman asked into the com, but got no response.

"Kid Flash." Batman tried again. Still no response.

"Hello? Batman?" Flash said over the com.

"Flash? Why do you have Kid Flash's com?" Batman asked.

"Kid Flash... he's been put into a deep sleep, and nothing is waking him up. I'm pretty sure it's some kind of sorcery, so I'm calling Zatara to try and wake him up." Flash said. Batman nodded, even though Flash couldn't see it.

"Affirmative. Update me after Zatara visits." Batman ordered. Flash gave a noise in answer, and shut off the com.

At the West-Allen Household

"Barry, you said Wally was put to sleep?" Zatara said as he came into Wally's room, where the boy was under a sleeping spell.

"Yeah, I can't get him up, not even with food. He isn't moving at all either." Barry rubbed the back of his neck.

Blackbird (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora