Chapter 12

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Thyme's POV

"You will be needing new names." Slade said as he paced.

"And those will be?" I asked.

"You, Blackbird, will be Rache. German for revenge. And you, Robin, will be Renegade, definition known there." Slade quit pacing and turned to us.

"Now, your first mission..."

Time Skip

Renegade and I swung from the buildings in Happy Harbor. There was a science facility that had just finished making two thermal blasters, and we had been sent to steal them.

Renegade kicked open a vent cover and we slipped inside, grabbing the two blasters. We heard alarms and I groaned.

"Sl- Father this trigger of the alarms could have been thoroughly avoided if you hadn't told us to go through the vents and let us get in ourselves." I grumbled.

"I wanted to see you fight Rache, both you and Renegade will go through high intensity training once you complete your mission. Complete it fast."  Slade ordered. I nodded to Renegade and we slipped out the window.

We were being shot at when I teleported us to the rafters. We slipped away and ran to the edge of the ledge.

"Don't move."

3rd POV

"Team. Robin and Blackbird have gone missing." Batman told the team.

"Blackbird was talking to me in her room when a gas flooded the room and we both knocked out." Wally said.

"They've been kidnapped?" Superboy asked. Batman nodded.

An alarm came up behind Batman.

"This conversation will have to wait. There has been a robbery at the new science center here in Happy Harbor. Apparently two well trained criminals took the two thermal blasters the center just finished. Suit up." Batman ordered, and the team switched into hero mode. A mode in which they didn't care about anything but the mission.

Time Skip

The team made it too the center and saw two retreating figures.

"Don't move." Superboy ordered the criminals.

Thyme's POV

"Don't move." Superboy ordered. Renegade and I turned around.

"Robin? And who is this?" Miss Martian asked in shock.

"It's Blackbird." Kid Flash stated.

"Not one word. They aren't your friends anymore." Slade ordered through our mics. 

"How do you know?" Artemis asked.

"I just... know. I can just feel the presence of my best friends." Kid Flash mused.

I flipped back and the strand of hair I left violet showed as I threw down a smoke bomb, allowing Renegade and I to escape.

We made it back to the base.

"Father." I greeted unhappily.

"Rache, Renegade." Slade said as he took the blasters.

"They will figure out about your tech eventually." Renegade growled.

"I think not, as my tech can remain hidden for years, decades even." A pause. "I monitored your vitals on the mission. Increased adrenaline, quickened heart rate, you two won't admit it, but you liked stealing for me." Slade said. I grumbled to myself, simply because as much as I denied it, I knew it was true.

Blackbird (DISCONTINUED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum