Chapter 13

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***Warning - Filler chapter cause I want to write SOMETHING! (writing is my passion and I feel wrong not doing it)***

Thyme's POV

Batman called us into the main room in which a bunch of rectangular pillars had been set up like when we did the simulation.

"W-We aren't doing another..." I asked, to which Batman shook his head.

"Today we will be working on making mental barriers. Martian Manhunter will be taking the team into your minds and testing these barriers." Batman instructed. I had been taking lessons from Martian Manhunter after the simulation, along with my time with Black Canary of course, but with Martian Manhunter since I had admitted that I had felt so weak with so many people in my mind after a while, that I couldn't keep them out in the beginning, that I couldn't pick and choose who was in my mind, everybody could just come in, and I hated that. So I trained with Martian Manhunter every now and then, and Robin even had worked with me so I wouldn't be alone and I could feel more comfortable with it, and the fact that he was there also helped me be able to choose to let some people into my mind and not others.

"You will all create barriers in your mind to keep everybody out on the first test, and on the second test you will attempt to keep some of your teammates out, while letting others into your minds, and in the final test you will keep people from even reaching the edges of your mind, but I do not expect any of you to be able to do this on the first try. It has taken myself many years in training for this talent, and I myself am not fully a master yet. Now, lie on the pillars and form your barriers." Martian Manhunter instructed, and we obliged. I thought of the circus, and the ticket booth that was at the corner. I gave a small smile as I opened my eyes and looked at Dick, whom I knew had the same barrier.

"Alright. We shall go clockwise, starting with M'gann." Martian Manhunter instructed. The order seemingly was M'gann, Conner, Artemis, Kaldur, KF, Robin, and lastly, myself. We were sent into M'gann's mind and were faced with what looked to be a lightly stained pink adobe wall. Martian Manhunter knocked on it, and it cracked slightly, but repaired itself after a small amount of time.

"Well done M'gann." Martian Manhunter complimented his niece. We then went into Conner's mind and were faced with a simple white wall, which held up. Then we went to Artemis's mind in which we were faced with a hedge wall and a sign pointing to Wonderland. Her wall held up. Next was Kaldur in which he had a wave. His wall held, but was weaker and almost broke. Next was KF, whom had a wall of popcorn, which caused me to laugh and blush, knowing he was thinking of the circus Dick and I grew up in. His was did hold, but popcorn flew everywhere when it was knocked on.

We then went into Dick's mind. The tent was there in the distance and we went to the edge of it.

Martian Manhunter knocked on it and a force field blocked him out.

"Reminds me of when we were in your mind Tia." M'gann said. I nodded and walked right through.

"That also reminds me of your mind." Artemis joked, causing us all to laugh as we moved onto my mind. My wall held like Dick's and he passed through my field as well.

We then went to test two. We were instructed to let two people past our barriers into a second portion of our minds, which still didn't reveal any of our secrets if we didn't want it too. We set out pairs in advance. M'gann was going to let in Conner and Artemis, Conner was going to let in M'gann and Robin, Artemis was going to let in Kaldur and M'gann, Kaldur was going to let in Wally and myself, Dick was also letting in Wally and myself, and I was letting in Dick and Wally.

We began the test and were instructed to all attempt to get in. M'gann's wall held and only Conner and Artemis got in. Conner's wall almost let me in, but I were pushed out at the last second. Artemis's wall held well, Kaldur and M'gann being successful while the rest of us were held out. Kaldur's wave wall let Wally and myself splash happily in the other's faces, and then it was Dick's turn. 

We went to the theater and I saw I popcorn stand, the familiar smell of the cotton candy and butter invaded my nose along with the sound of faint music and children's laughter filled my ears. I took Wally by the arm and all but dragged him to the circus, out of hearing range of the others.

"You know I miss the real thing sometimes." I said. Wally shook his head.

"That's a lie." Wally said. I looked to him for clarification.

"You miss it most of the time." Wally said. I gave a small nod and a smile before we went to my mind, in which only Dick and Wally got through, and probably had a similar conversation.

We then went onto the third test. First was M'gann and after a little bit of trying, we made it too her wall, but the goal was to keep people completely out, so that was a suspected fail. Conner was next, and he tool less time. Artemis hardly took any time at all and Kaldur took about the same about of time as M'gann. Wally didn't even put up a fight and then we went onto Dick. After about a minute, we made it to his wall, the circus tent.

Then it was my turn.

3rd POV

The team was now going to attempt to enter Thyme's mind, and it was her goal to keep them fully out, not even reaching her barrier at all. Martian Manhunter pushed at her wall around the very edge of her mind, a wall that was usually quite brittle and easy too pass, most people not even having a wall there at all, but no matter how hard he pushed on her wall, it wouldn't budge.

"Team, I'd like you to come help me break Blackbird's wall." Martian Manhunter asked, his attack stopping momentarily as the team lined up, ready to push.

"3... 2... 1... PUSH!" Artemis yelled and everyone pushed, the wall only cracking ever so slightly before an overwhelming sense of sadness and anger flooded out, causing the team to stumble back before giving up.

"Well done Blackbird, I see you remember our training." Martian Manhunter complimented the teen.

"Training?" Conner asked.

"After the simulation and the trip into my mind, I did mental training with Robin and Martian Manhunter." Thyme explained.

"And she apparently did practice on her own because she got her edge wall up and running smoothly." Robin glared.

"Well a few more minutes and I'd probably brake." Blackbird shrugged, laughing as she vanished from the room, leaving the only things heard the grumbles of KF and Robin.

"I hate it when she does that."

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