Week 9

244 13 58

The pairs for this week are:

1. AwesomeGotham x unicornsxpretty (No Rush x First Love)

2. ohheyitsyasmine x Random_Teenager (Choices: Caroline)

3. JordanBurton534 x classicoverthinker (Awkward Love x Kingdom Come)

4. Forbidden_Beat x YourFavouriteAuthor (Hellbirds x For My Beloved, Youthful Liberty)

5. ZeldaMWright x BillRuesch (The Commoner's Ring x Whistlin' Salamander)

6. parabare x kkimble100 (I need to be Alpha x Remember)

7. thewritechick x Spectra001 (Chase to the End x Gon's Mother)

8. ASilentStory x slythering6350 (Him x Hermione the Deatheater)

9. ouronlyfire x FireAxel29 (Ocean Sickness x La Bella Vita Di Un Gatto Nero)

10. 20th-march x klutzymuskie (Collecting Signs x Smile and other Vignettes)

11. CandyKhya x EXAlexander (The Devil's Heart x The Soul of Love)

12. Mariah_Xerri x AmiLovesMagic (Collided Paths x Together by Gods Will)

13. BlackKnight77 x temanguby (Beneath the Crescent Moon x Devil in a Suit)

14. aestheticirwin x JoshieHouessou (Smooth Sailing x White Flower Petals)

15. fakevegetarian x michybelle (The Colours of Salvation x The Princess Avenger)

16. highofnathan x impostering (Murder Business x Rants)

17. Sayonara_A x A-S-Christoph (Mistaken Identity x Blood Trail: The Venomous Start0


1- You must read at least three (3) chapters of your partner's book.

2- Leave a 3+ line comment stating the pros and cons of the book. Comments such "I love it", or "Amazing" are not allowed. If you love the book so much, explain why you love it.

3- Voting is not required but is recommended for encouragement.

4- Tag your reviews with #SpectrumBookClub

5-The deadline to complete all assignments is next week Thursday.

Book of the Week:

In addition to your weekly assignment, ALL readers must read a minimum of three (3) chapters and leave a review of the BOTW.

Due to not being able to have a partner this week the BOTW for this week is:

The Alpha's Mate by cuttypie1245



1. When you're finished with your assignment, comment "done"

2. When you're finished with the BOTW, comment the answer to this question: "How tall is Lily?"


Dear members of the Spectrum Book Club please take heed the following announcements,

• The purpose of the Trimonthly Cycles is to keep updated with all of the users who have changed their information ergo its purpose is defeated when you change your information (username, book title, etc) without notifying us. If circumstances occur under which any of these changes may occur please notify us by PMing this account and/or any one of our administrators (20th-march, classicoverthinker, YourFavouriteAuthor)

• We have been receiving a lot of complaints about users not completing their assignments. Please note that failure to complete your assignment is a violation of our rules, the consequence of which is the admission of a strike, and three strikes will result in you being removed from the club.

The Strike Board is as follows:

FireAxel29 [X]

thewritechick [X]

Spectra001 [X]

We encourage members to report to us any user who has failed to complete their assignment, we will also be checking the comment section for the "Done" comment as well as the answer to the BOTW Question.

Thank you for your cooperation!

[PS sorry for the late update :P -ROLII (classicoverthinker)]

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