Revamp Announcement

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Hey, members, I'm one of your administrators, YourFavouriteAuthor and if you don't follow our account (which you should) you may be wondering what's going and where the weekly pairs are. Well, we have some big news we'd like to share pertaining to all of that. The Spectrum Book Club is undergoing some huge changes so we've decided to update you this week instead of continuing with our usual activities. So bear with me as I give you a complete guide of what we'll be doing.


Here at The Spectrum Book Club we believe that first impressions matter. Hence, if you take the time to look back at the description for this book and our first two chapters, you might notice some things have been edited in while others have been edited out. We used this in order to clearly portray our intentions as a book club and outline specifically what we do here. This clarity is in hopes of attracting and educating potential members.


Let's be honest, we all judge books by their covers. If a book has an unappealing cover what are the chances of you picking it up? Little to none. So with that in mind, we've made it one of our top priorities to refresh the old aesthetic of the Spectrum Book Club and design a more beautiful and alluring image. This change will not come suddenly as art takes time, however we have one of our very own admins working on it and we have full confidence in them.

Weekly Pairing 

This is probably the biggest change you guys are waiting for. As we've said in our previous notices, we are revamping the pairing system into something more practical and simple. Since many of you are busy with work and school etc. we, the admins, see the struggle of keeping up with your weekly assignments and decided to do something about it. Today, we're glad to announce that the Pairing System is now the Circle System.

What is the Circle System?

From henceforth, the Spectrum Book Club will be divided into three (3) Circles based on genre and preference. Each Circle will be lead by one of our own administrators. Not to mention, the deadline for the assignments are now two (2) weeks long. This will make it easier for us to organize the book club as well to tackle issues at the root.

How does the Circle System Work?

It's simple. Every other week, your Circle leader will choose a random book from their respective Circle. Everyone in that Circle will have to read the chosen book and leave an honest, critical review. We urge members to make their reviews as helpful and specific as possible. This includes mentioning what you like and what you think could have been improved. Help your fellow authors out.

What does this all mean?

The Spectrum Book Club aims at helping you. We never want to clash with your other duties or make you to feel pressured and stressed out. So with the Circle System's entrance, the BOTW will be making a temporary exit. Due to the influx of changes we have decided to postpone this weekly activity. The games however, will still be around and the prizes will be bigger and better!

No more pairs?

Keep in mind that this change is only temporary. Over time, we will take note of the everyone's response and participation and make small adjustments along the way based on that. But as soon as breaks start rolling around and we all begin regaining control of our schedules, the pairing system along with the BOTW will make a return! But for now these changes take effect next week and our activities will resume Friday.

Confused? Feel free to ask questions!

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