Game 10: Writer in Action

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Damn, members. Not gonna lie some of you are really quick with your reviews. But don't worry we have another activity just for you: Writer in Action. Also, encourage every member to enter these games because they can help a great deal with your writing. Practice makes perfect, members. This is for you.

Please, remember that every member of this book club has the right to participate, whether they're done with their weekly assignment or not. 

The concept of this game is pretty simple. We choose a prompt/theme and if you're inspired by it, you can use it to write a literary piece (short story, poem etc.). Of course, there will be different prizes each week so don't hesitate to join us!

You writing will be judged on:

1. The creativity and originality

2. Language and punctuation and grammar

3. How well you included the prompt

The theme for this week is: BETRAYAL

And the prize is *drumroll* :

A feature as BOTW without any shuffling for the upcoming week.

The entries are to be posted in the comment section, and shouldn't be more than 300 words. The deadline is Thursday (December 15th) so get writing! 

Good luck!

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