Week 13

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This period and all its activities will last for two weeks (Oct 22-Nov 5)

It's been an action packed two weeks, members and we were so excited with all of your participation! You ready again?

It's been an action packed two weeks, members and we were so excited with all of your participation! You ready again?

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Welcome to Week 13!

*If you are unclear as to how this system works then please read the chapter entitled: "The Circle System 101", If you've read it and you're still unclear then feel free to question any of our admins.

Here are the assignments for each circle:

High on Love:

Plain Vanilla by IndahMarkendah

We don't Exist:

Written in Silence by SilentPoet12

Beyond Your Imagination:

Stranded by AnimoScripto (self picked; Read 'Game Announcements' for more)

If you are unclear as to which group you are in please refer to to the chapter titled "The Circle System 101".


1- You must read at least five (5) chapters of your circle's assigned book.

2- If you have already read the assigned book, read an additional five (5) chapters.

3- Leave a 3+ line comment stating the pros and cons of the book. Comments such "I love it", or "Amazing" are not allowed. If you love the book so much, explain why you love it. [refer to the chapter entitled "Critiquing 101"]

4- Voting is not required but is recommended for encouragement.

5- Tag your reviews with #SpectrumBookClub

6-The deadline to complete all assignments is Saturday, November 5, 2016.

7- When you've completed your assignment, comment "Done" as an inline comment next to your Circle's name.

If you have any comment or queries as it pertains to your assignment or circles, please notify your circle leader:

High on Love (20th-march)

We Don't Exist (YourFavouriteAuthor)

Beyond Your Imagination (classicoverthinker)

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