The Pairing System 101

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Hey guys, YourFavouriteAuthor here, and I'm here to guide you through our most popular system here at SBC. The Pairing System! This is a very fast paced system aimed at improving writers and allowing a huge amount of interaction in a short span of time. But keep in mind that because this system is so intense, we usually implement when most of our members have spare time. So that includes, holidays etc. In this chapter we will reveal everything about the Pairing System. This includes how we pair, games, the book of the week, and communication!

However if you would like to skip this and sign up right now, feel free to fill out our application form in our chapter entitled "Cycle Four". Now let's get into things!

What are Pairs?

Pairs is the term we use when two writers are pooled together to swap advice and critiques! Every week, our members are grouped to form multiple pairs! The pairings last for a week in which the members can get to know each other a little better and read each other's works! We require each pair to read at least three (3) chapters of their partner's book, then at the end of their week-long period, both parties exchange reviews about each other's books! We also highly encourage scaling their book from 1-10!

How do we Pair?

We always pair our members based on: Genre and Preference. These are two very ideal and crucial part of The Pairing System so make sure when you fill out your application form you are as specific as possible! Every section of your application determines what type of author you are paired with! Writers with common interest and expertise are paired together.

What is the Book of the Week?

In addition to the weekly pairings, we have the Book of the Week!

Every week, we feature a Book of the Week from one of our talented and committed members. All other members are required to read a minimum of three (3) chapters of the Book of the Week and leave a helpful review! We pick our BOTW in multiple fun ways, that way everyone gets a chance! Sometimes we do it by random to encourage fairness but sometimes we also award it to the winner of Writer in Action.

Game: Writer in Action

Due to the short period of the Pairing System we only have one game, however, it's insanely fun! In this week long game, we either put forward a theme such as, Empowerment, Justice etc. or a prompt. In no more than 300 words, every member can choose to write on the theme/prompt and at the end of the week, we declare a winner! Though this game is voluntary, we highly encourage every member to participate for the amazing prizes! Sometimes winners are awarded BOTW, the option to pick a maximum of five (5) members to review their book or a strike immunity!

The games are my favourite part of the club tbh.


You all should know our fondness of kik. On that app we have The Spectrum Book Club group chat where we can all interact with each other and chat. But The Pairing System is such a great one-on-one experience that we want to boost that and encourage you to swap your kik names with your partner! During the week you guys can chat and get to know each other with features that the wattpad inbox just doesn't allow. Imagine expressing your shock of your partner's plot twist with a gif or an emoji. Or expressing your grief when your favorite character dies with the Kim Kardashian crying face meme. The possibilities are endless.

We want to foster life-long friendships here at The Spectrum Book Club and this is an ideal way to do that!

And that's a wrap! In our next chapter, we'll talk all about The Circle System! If you want to get right into things and apply for the book club, head over to our chapter titled "Cycle Four" and you can get started there!

Have any question? Feel free to pm us!

Our inbox is always open!

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