Week 10

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We made it to 10 weeks, members! Thank you all for your continued participation. Also, remember to read this entire chapter because we have some very special announcements and reminders that you all should take not of. But first, here are this week's pairs:

1. AwesomeGotham x SilentPoet12 (No Rush x Written in Silence)

2. unicornsxpretty x JordanBurton534 (First Love x Awkward Love)

3. ohheyitsyasmine x Spectra001 (Choices:Caroline x Gon's Mother)

4. Random_Teenager  x kkimble100  (Popular Nerd x Remember)

5. ZeldaMWright  x FireAxel29 (Commoner's Ring x  LaBella Vita Di Un Gatto Nero)

6. parabare x BillRuesch (I need to be Alpha x Whistlin'Salamander)

7. thewritechick x fakevegetarian (Chase to the end x Princess Avenger)

8. ASilentStory x highofnathan (Him x Murder Business)

9. slytheringirl6350 x cutiepie1245 (Hermionethe Deatheater x Blood Trail: The venomous Start)

10. ouronlyfire x impostering ( Ocean Sickness x Rants)

11. classicoverthinker x AmiLovesMagic Kingdom Come x Together by God's Will)

12. YourFavouriteAuthor x BlackKnight77 (For My Beloved, Youthful Liberty x Beneath the Crescent Moon)

13. digger63 x Sayonara_A (Wayward Kinship x MistakenIdentity)

14. CandyKhya x EXAlexander  (The Devil's Heart x The Soul of Love)

15. temanguby x JoshieHouessou (Devil in a Suit x White Flower Petals)

16. michybelle x Aestheticirwin (The Colours of Salvation x Smooth Sailing)

17. Forbidden_Beat x amyamuo07 (Hellbirds x Life Before 24)


1- You must read at least three (3) chapters of your partner's book.

2- Leave a 3+ comment stating the pros and cons of the book. Comments such "I love it", or "Amazing" are not allowed. If you love the book so much, explain why you love it.

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