Chapter 2

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Liam's POV-

"This is boring as hell. let's go back to the apartment." I told Zayn and Niall, trying to guide them out. "So, how many girls did you get with?" Niall asked, a coy look on his face. "Three, I think. Some girl cornered me in the bathroom after I did a line, it was weird." "Man, these girls can't get enough of you." "Guess not, even though I'm not the type of dude they should be around." 

When we got back to the apartment I put the rest of my coke in the small box in my sock drawer. I may be an addict, but I am a relatively clean person. My sound system was set up with an Of Mice & Men CD, so I turned it on even though it's late and my neighbors are probably sleeping. I really don't feel for them, if they don't like me they can move out.

I wasn't the way I am now before high school. I was a relatively pleasant person to be around, but now all anyone wants me for are drugs and a good hookup. I just go from girl to girl and any person that gets in my way is gonna pay. I wasn't much of a  fighter either, but when I went to my first party freshman year and met Josh and Niall, all that changed.

Josh dropped out of school halfway through sophomore years and got his GED, I don't really know why since he works at some run down music shop about a mile from where I live. I can't say my job is any better, me and Zayn work at the local tattoo place, but we do make pretty decent cash.

After I showered and saw that it was 6:30 in the morning I decided it was time to sleep. I didn't bother to get dressed, I mean who needs to sleep in clothes. I shut off my music and went to sleep, thinking about what kind of parties I could get the guys to come with me to after I get paid tomorrow.

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