Chapter 18

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Liam's POV-

I woke up the next morning and ran into the living room, excitement coursing through my veins. "You look like a kid on Christmas, what's up with you?" Zayn chuckled, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Guys this is really really good new. Like, turn of the century explosively amazing news." "Alright, now you really do sound like a child, what the hell is up?" Niall asked, taking a bite of his toast. "I didn't have any nightmares last night, not a single one! It's a fucking miracle, this is insane. I didn't think it was possible, but I'm getting better!" I screamed, pur joy taking me over.

They both stared at me, mouths gaping open in shock. A huge grin finally took over Niall's face. "This- this is awesome! We need to celebrate. Our precious Liam is getting better!" He jumped from his seat and smothered me in a bone crushing hug. "Niall- I need air, time to let go." I struggled, and he finally released me. "You are making this such a Hallmark moment, we're like giddy little girls." I laughed, putting an arm around each of them. "This is legendary though, things are slowly coming together. We need to call the guys and Del to tell them." Zayn said, pulling his phone out.

All three of us dialed someone, I guess we didn't really process that Harry and Louis live together, but all the excitement has us frazzled. "Good morning sunshine." Del yawned, and I could here the smile on her face. "Morning babe. I actually have more news, so you need to get here because it's important. Harry and Lou will be here too, so you gotta hurry." "Jesus Liam, I have never heard you so ecstatic at eight in the morning, I'll be right over." "Well then I'll let you go get ready, love you." "Love you too, see ya soon."

"It is so weird to hear the L word come out of your mouth Liam, I don't think I'll ever get used to it." Zayn teased, punching my arm. "It's been a long time, but I guess that's what comes with growing up." "Never thought I'd hear you say that either, but I'm proud of you, you've come far in these past few months."

"I don't think I've said this to either of you yet, but I'm proud of you guys too. I mean, you guys gave up the same things I did just to see me get better. I'm proud that you guys have beaten it, and happy as hell that you guys never got into all this shit as bad as I did. We've grown up and I've had to make you guys watch me become this, and now you're helping me out of it. I'm blessed and fucking elated to have you shit heads in my life." I confessed, raising my glass of water in the air. "Such a hearfelt speech, I think I'm gonna cry." Niall joked, wiping his 'tear stained' face with a shirt. "And this is why I call you a shit head, your sarcasm is like a disease."

Delilah's POV-

I made my way to Liam's apartment, a weird feeling in my stomach. He has two bits of extremely important news for me, and I have no idea what to expect. I know that what he called me about this morning made his happy, so half of what I need to know is good. I feel like the other thing is good as well, and will help him in the long run.

I parked my car next to his and walked into the apartment. Harry and Louis had beaten me here, which for some odd reason surprised me. "So what's this big news you've got for us, Payno?" I asked, snaking my arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss. "Everyone sit, I've got a lot to say." Liam smiled, standing in front on the TV and raising his arms up. We all laughed and sat on the couch. The room felt lighter, like good things were coming.

"Alright, first order of business. I'll be going away next week. I'm going to- to a treatment facility. I'm ready though, so don't you worry your pretty little heads about me, I'll be perfectly okay. I'll miss you all a lot though, but I'll only be gone for a month, unless they see it fit that I stay longer."

"Secondly, last night was the first sleep I got free of nightmares. Not a single bad thing happened, I didn't wake up in a cold sweat or anything. I slept peacefully for the first time in months. I woke up this morning and it was so amazing to not be covered in sweat. It's been a long time, and I'm happy to say that I think my meds are actually working. I feel sane, and I haven't felt like that in ages."

Liam's POV-

I finished my speech and looked around the room to see everyone smiling, and it was infectious. I felt like my jaw was going to fall off, I was smiling so big. Slow applause erupted, and they all stood before me. "God damn Liam, I feel like a father right now. I told you this would all come back around in the best way." Harry smiled, pulling me in for a hug. " Just remember, I am older than you, but the world knows you're wiser than I'll ever be." I smiled, ruffling his curls. 

I looked at Del and she was smiling like crazy. "Looks like the cards are in your favor." She said, intertwining our fingers. "That's how I got a girl like you to fall in love with me." I smiled, kissing her forehead. "Jesus, looks like me and Zayn are gonna have to get together so we can have some romance in our lives!" Niall screamed, pulling Zayn into his arms and giving him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "I always knew you wanted me you bastard." Zayn said, reenacting Niall's actions. I lost it at that. Tears were streaming down my face and Delilah had to hold me up so I didn't fall, I was laughing so hard. "You- you guys- are to much- I can't- handle this." I breathed between laughs,and that only seemed to make everyone laugh more.

We all spent the day huddled up on the couch talking about my leaving. I pulled out the paperwork and they all gasped, except Niall and Zayn, who already knew that this was serious business. After our talk of my treatment, we decided to end the night on a light note and watch some movies, which ended in popcorn littering the floor and the movie being completely ignored.

I feel hopeful, I actually have faith that what's to come is going to work, that I will get better. I feel it now, that I'm getting better. This has been the best day I've had in the past four months, and I wanted the world to know. I have hope, and I know I'm going to come out of this stronger, with my head screwed on straight. Things are looking up, and I'm ready to grab life by the balls from here on out.

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