Chapter 24

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Liam's POV-

Once the group was reunited, we sat in the living room of the apartment and played video games all day. What can I say, we'd rather stay in than go wreak havoc. We're a bunch of homebodies, me and these people I've come to care so much for. After I'd beaten Niall for the fifth time at this stupid racing game, he shut of the PS3 and put his controller down. I laughed, the kid's such a sore loser. "Someone upset that I'm the king of that goddamned game?" "Not even. I'm just curious. How was the treatment center, like how did it feel to be there?"

"At first, it was hell. Like, my roommate was a completely condescending, arrogant bastard and my therapist was queen bitch. But I called Amy and we adjusted that, so afterwards it wasn't so bad. Like, I met this kid there named Jake, and he ended up being my roommate after the switch. He was really cool, and he understood my situation so I gave him my cell number before I left so that if he ever needed someone to talk to, he could hit me up."

"Putting all that aside, I had to attend this awful support group type thing. It was like an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, and it was downright horrendous. I had to share all of my struggles with the group and it was weird, because the only people I feel right with talking about my problems with is you guys. But my new therapist, this big dude named Rick, was a riot. He was so cool, I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at a session before him."

"The food there was shit, it reminded me of high school lunch, and everyone knows how awful that is. I sat with Jake and we'd talk, but in my whole month there he told me nothing of why he was here, which I didn't mind because there are certain things people want to keep private, and I'm not the kind of person to force things out of people, at least now I'm not."

"But yeah, long story short, it could've been worse. I'm just happy I'm not the douche bag I was before. I owe all this to you guys though, because I only did this because I knew it would not only stop my suffering, but it would help you guys in the long run. I've said this a thousand times, but thank you guys." 

We all huddled in for a hug, but it looked like a six person free for all. We hugged a lot, our little group. But all the pain was over now, I'd spared everyone of unnecessary suffering, and the group as a whole is stronger now. "We're proud of you dude, you've come a long way. We're closing one book to start another, and this one's gonna be so much better than the last." Zayn said, throwing an arm over my shoulder. 

After that whole affair, we decided to stop being complete homebodies and go out. Not as in party, get drunk and be stupid go out, but we decided to go to the mall and hang out. After that, we went to the tattoo place to make sure my job was still intact, which it was. Then, we went by the admissions office at the college to see when I could go back to class, and I was told I could start back up next Monday. "Well guys, looks like I'm back in full effect. Your beloved Payno is ready for this life, no matter what get's thrown in his way."

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