Chapter 20

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Liam's POV-

Week 1

When I got to the center I went straight to my room. All I really wanted to do was sleep because the ride here was so long. I had a roommate, which pissed me off  a lot for some reason. His names Landon, and I really don't like him all that much. I know he's done nothing for me to not like him, but I don't. I hate living with someone who I really don't know. The kid tries to talk to me all the time, but I don't say anything to him. I wasn't even able to listen to music because there was this stupid ass no technology until week two rule. It's bullshit, this whole thing. 

The only good thing about all of this is this kid named Jake. He's a good kid, and I'm not exactly sure why he's here. He doesn't like to talk about, and I respect that. I told him about my diagnosis and all the meds I'm on, and he took it all with open arms. I wish I could switch roommates so that I don't have to deal with Landon because he annoys the ever living shit out of me.

I guess Jake's been in here for a long time, at least from word of mouth. I'm not gonna listen to people's bullsht though, but even if he has that doesn't mean I'm not gonna trust the kid. Just because he may be a little crazy doesn't mean he's a bad person, I can't say shit because I'm here too so I'll let that speak for itself.

I just want to be back in the apartment, around the people that actually know me. This place pisses me off so much and I just want to get the hell out of here. The night terrors are back and I feel like complete shit. This isn't an environment I should be in because no one here knows how to handle me. All the doctors here are fucking stupid and they've all managed to piss me off. My new therapist is an uptight. snobby bitch and she doesn't know when to shut her fucking mouth. She never lets me speak so we have made no progress whatsoever. 

I feel like I'll be here longer than a month unless these people start listening to me. It's just so infuriating and I can't stand the fact that just because these people think I'm some kind of psychotic freak of nature that they won't listen. I think my first phone call is gonna be to Amy because I need her to talk to these people or get me the hell out of here. I feel like all the progress I made has been flushed away, and it's so frustrating. I'm trying so hard to get better but none of these people are helping me.

Delilah's POV-

None of us have heard from Liam all week, but I think that just how the center does things. I'm worried about him, because I've heard that he doesn't do well in new environments. I've been talking to the other guys a lot lately because I can't stand him not being here. Sometimes I sit in his room and it feels so empty. I feel so out of place not coming to see him every day or so, but I'm gonna have to get used to it because he's gonna be gone for a while.

I know me and the guys are gonna crowd around the phone when he finally gets to call us on Monday, since we're all worried sick about him. I just hope he's adjusting well, because I want him to be okay, I love him so much.

Zayn's POV-

Everyone's been asking about Liam, and we just tell him he went on vacation with his parents because it's nobody's business that he's getting help. Some people just want to pry into his life and it pisses me off because they have absolutely no right since they've never been there for him. It's been weird as hell not having him around, but I guess there are certain things you gotta get used to. 

I've gone on with my life though, even though I spend a lot of my free time worrying about that little shit head. I've been going to work and balancing classes at the college, which isn't really hard because I work at a tattoo parlor for gods sake. I walk about the complex sometimes, just to clear my head. I don't know, it's just weird to be without your best friend. I know I sound all girly about it, but he's like my brother.

alive ↠ l.p (complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora