Chapter 16

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Liam's POV-

I walked into my parents house and sat on the couch. My mom sat next to me and held my hand. "Liam, please just talk to us. We want to make sure that you're okay, you're our son and we love you." She said, giving me a weak smile. "Mom, it's just- so much has happened and it's all coming so fast. Since the last time I saw you shit's gone downhill. I mean, I'm three and a half months clean, but now I'm on meds and have to go to therapy three times a week. I just hate it, I hate what I've become." 

I explained everything to them, from the beginning, the beginning being high school. They knew I wasn't the easiest teenager to deal with, but they never thought that I did drugs. I had gotten caught sneaking into the house drunk a few times, but never anything too serious. I told them about Del, about the self harm, every last bit of what I could remember about the past six years of my life.

I showed them the scars, and my mom cried into my shoulder, telling me I should never feel like I have to hurt myself. My dad didn't say much, I don't really blame him though because he's probably trying to get over the shock that his son is so messed up.

"I need to go guys, I'll visit more often, I promise." I got up from the couch and hugged my mom, then leaned over to my dad. "Take care of yourself son." "I'll try dad, see you soon." Zayn said his goodbyes to my parents and promised to bring me here, even if he had to drag me. When we got into the car I let out a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding.

"Man, it's hard to see my parents react to this. I wish I could just quit screwing up and making everyone feel like they do. Like, I know you guys probably don't get it, but I'm trying. I really am, I just don't know what to do anymore. I just want to make you guys proud, you know?" I looked over at Zayn, and he immediately faced me.

"We know you're trying Liam, and in all honesty that's all that matters. There are gonna be bumps in the road, but that's just life. It can't take you forever, and if it does I'll go down with you. You're my brother, and I'm not gonna let this bullshit win." "You sure do know how to talk a guy off the ledge, don't you?" "I have a way with words." He winked at me and I lost it. I laughed so hard that my insides hurt, and it felt good. "Now let's get home so the others don't think you drove us off the road."

Harry's POV-

When the guys got home I shot up from my seat on the couch and pulled Liam aside. "He, can I talk to you?" "Jesus Harry, you jumped up like a kid on Christmas just then. But yeah, come here." He agreed, opening his bedroom door and sitting in his desk chair. "I know what it feels like to be where you are. I mean, not completely but you know what I'm saying. I know how it is to feel absolutely hopeless. I'm still now accepted by a lot of people, but I got through that. I hurt myself because I thought it would make the pain of not being able to love Louis away, but it never did. I didn't come out until I was eighteen, and now I'm almost twenty. Me and Lou have been together since I was sixteen, so I hid for a long time."

"Even after I told everyone, I continued to hurt myself because I knew some people weren't going to accept me. It hurt to know that people would hate me just because I don't like girls. It was so painful to go through that, and when Louis found out he told my mom. At first I was pissed at him, but when I realized that not everyone is going to accept my sexuality, I stopped. I told everyone who called me a fag to shove it, that I was happy and that's all that mattered. Then me and Lou started with the tattoos, and obviously that's how I met you. You're good people Liam, and that's why I'm telling you all of this. You didn't judge me when you found out I was gay, you welcomed me into your life. You helped open my eyes Liam, thank you."

Liam's POV-

I looked at Harry for a while, looked at the scars inching up his arms, and that's when it hit me. We're not all that different. Sure, our situations are completely different, but he released the painhe felt inside by hurting himself to see if the pain would seep out of him. But sadly it doesn't work that way, all it does is destroy you. "Harry, I think I finally get it. Me and everyone I speak to as of now, we all have something in common, they're obviously not all good things, but that's just life. Me and you have this in common, me and Zayn grew up together, me and Del want something more from the world, me and Niall are both all over the place, and me and Louis just want the world to change."

"I finally understand this. We're all one in the same, and that's why we get on so well, that's why none of you have left me during this bullshit. It's taken me a few months, but god dammit I finally understand. Thanks for saying something, you jolted this out of me. You're a lifesaver Styles, you're a damned hero." I got up and hugged him. Like, a genuine hug. "That's what I'm here for. If you ever need a good talk, I'm always here." "You're better than my therapist, all of you are."

We went back out to the living room and Louis had this stupid grin on his face. "What's got you so giddy over there?" I teased, throwing a pillow at him. "Oh nothing, I just feel like the air is lighter around here, you know?" "You are such a shithead, I swear." "That's what I'm here for Payno, it's my job." 

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