Chapter 7

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Liam's POV-

Me and the guys had gotten into our shitty community college, and I was stuck scratching my arms, wanting a fix. I couldn't stop thinking about where I could get a gram or two, I just needed something to get me through the hallucinations. Those had started the night after I told my parents everything, and they had me on age. I had nightmares too, about my friends and family dying, I even saw myself die a few times. I was sinking into a deep depression and it was starting to scare me.

The boys don't know, and I don't want to worry them. They know I barely sleep, and the dark circles under my eyes keep getting worse. I still don't want to seek professional help, I want to overcome this without some shrink shoving the "it gets better" bullshit down my throat. I can do this, at least I think I can.

I walked into my history class and sat in the very back. Some really shady looking guy sat next to me. "You look like someone who needs a pick me up, I've got what you need." He said, nodding towards my arms. I guess it is kind of obvious that I did drugs, even though I got all these tattoos to try and cover that up. "Nah man, I'm trying to stop. I need to get my life together, and that's not the way to do it." I groaned. I really wanted to say yes, but there was a small voice in my head telling me not to.

Just as class started, the door opened and a really cute girl walked in. When I say cute, I mean like innocent. She looked the complete opposite of me, and it made me want her. The other seat next to me was empty, and she sat in it. "Hi, I'm Delilah." She smiled. "I'm Liam, nice to meet you." I said, shaking her outstretched hand. She's the first person who's ever done that. Most people are too afraid to even look my way.

Niall's POV-

I'm really starting to worry about Liam, more so than before. I can tell he doesn't sleep, and I've heard him screaming in his sleep lately. I started living with him and Zayn so I could look after him. He needs help, help that Zayn and I can't provide him. He's completely against the idea of therapy, and honestly I don't blame him. I did some bad shit as a teenager and had to see a shrink because my parents thought I was going crazy. I was at a really weird point in my life, and now I'm trying to find a way out of it.

I guess he thinks we don't know about his what I assume to be night terrors, but if he's not ready to tell us, I won't push him. I will ask him about it though, because that's what friends do. Louis and Harry have been coming over a lot lately, and Liam told them about his cold turkey plan to stop the drugs. They thought he was out of his mind for not getting a psychiatrist, but they wee also pretty understanding after he explained why.

For being some random guys that Liam and Zayn had met at the tattoo parlor, Harry and Louis were awesome. They were hilarious when they were drunk too, I mean spit your drink out laughing so hard funny. They were good company, and I really am thankful for them because that's just what Liam needs. 

I've never done the drugs he has, other than weed. But all the heavy shit he did, I never touched it. Liam had offered me some, but I never took it because a bowl or two was always enough for me. I don't think Zayn has ever done drugs like that either. I know someone slipped E into his drink one time, but after he found out who it was they got what was coming to them.

We had all gotten into some rather violent situations, most of them drug related. We aren't your ideal guys, at least we weren't before this sudden change. People are still intimidated by our piercings and tattoos, and my now lilac hair. Yeah, I've had my hair all kinds of colors, but lilac is my favorite. People don't even cut glances at us, shows how judgmental they are. We got over that though, people walking past us trying not to look, people walking on the opposite side of the street to avoid us. Everything come with a price to pay, and ours was the fear people felt when we were near.

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