Chapter 6

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Liam's POV-

I sat down on my parents couch, her and my dad across from me. "Son, you look like you haven't slept in days." My dad said, a worried expression on his face. "Well, that's kinda why I came here. Um, for the past few years, since high school I guess, I've kind of developed a growing drug problem. I know you guys are probably really ashamed, and I'm so sorry that-" "Liam, no. You came to us in your time of need, and we're grateful for that. It is sad to hear that your only son has been doing drugs, but we're here for you, we always have been."

"I don't want a therapist though mom, or to go to rehab. I can't take that shit. I want to try to stay clean without having to spend all that money. I haven't had any sort of drug for a week, all thanks to Zayn. Him and Niall have kept me away from all the bad things that make me want drugs, and Zayn is the one who brought me here when I cracked. So please, I want to do this without professional help." "Okay honey, no professionals unless it's absolutely necessary, it will be out last resort."

I looked at my parents blankly, surprised they didn't yell at me for even considering not getting real help. "I think I can do it guys, I really can. I don't want to disappoint you guys, and I really want to stop with the drugs. I really do love the rush and how they make me feel, but I don't want you guys to here that your only son has died of a drug overdose." I said, and I saw hope in my mothers eyes. I looked at Zayn and he patted me on the back. "I'm proud of you man. Me and Niall are here for you, we'll help you kick this addictions ass." "Thank you guys so much, I'm really grateful that none of you have deemed me a hopeless case." 

Zayn's POV-

I'd never seem Liam like this before, so determined to stop. Just a week ago he didn't believe he could do it, he said he loved the feeling too much, but here he is now with me and his parents trying to kick these bad habits to the curb. We left his parents house and when we returned to our apartment Niall was waiting for us. "Hey guys, what's up?" "Trying to kick a drug habit, you?" Liam said, his eyes to the ground. "I'm happy for you Liam, I'm here to help. Me and this dude right here are gonna help you rid of this pesky addiction." Niall said, patting both Liam and I on the shoulder. 

When we got into  the apartment, Liam gave us his drug box, it was empty of any drugs, but there were lighters and papers in there, including his line scraper. "Where's your bowl?" I asked. "The weed isn't the problem, the harder drugs are." "Then where are your syringes?" I gave him a stern look and followed him to his bathroom as he put all of his syringes into the trash bag Niall had.

"Liam, if you wanna kick this habit, you have to get rid of everything. You can't have any of that shit lying around or you're gonna give in and I can't have that. We promised your parents you'd put effort into this. You're my best friend and I've seen you hurting yourself with these drugs for too long. We're all too old for this party every night bullshit. We all need to man up and go to college, be successful, ya know?" I lectured. I know this is hard for him, but he needs to know it won't be an easy thing. I'm gonna stop all this drugs and partying nonsense too, partially for Liam and also for the fact that I'm a twenty year old man and need to do better in my life.

After we emptied his room of all drug related things,we sat down in the living room and talked. Niall vowed to give up the party life too, because he wanted to get a college education and go on further with his life. We all agreed to stick with each other to kick our bad habits, and we all applied for colleges too. Even though we'll be older than all the freshman kids, we need to get a move on with our lives. Cheers to us in our adventures to better ourselves.

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