Chapter 14

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Delilah's POV-

He stopped and I thought he was just gonna stand, and then in a rush his lips were on mine. I could taste the tears on his lips, and it shocked me to the core. When he pulled away I just stared at him, my cheeks stained red from shock. "Oh my god, Del, I-I'm-" "Liam, don't you dare apologize, that was unexpected, but it-it was amazing." I smiled, taking his hand in mine. He flushed, squeezing my hand slightly. I quickly pecked his cheek, and he went even redder. "You're adorable when you're shy." I giggled, and he smiled. "So-uh, where do we stand? Like, do you wanna be with me?" "Of course I do, as long as you feel the same." "I do, trust me, I definitely do."

It's a bit shocking, to be dating someone you've grown so close to in such a short span of time, but I met Liam for a reason, and I feel like we're going to learn a lot from each other. On the way to his apartment we talked about his the doctors prognosis, about how he's gonna get better. "I'm just really scared, you know? Like, I never thought something like this could happen to me, it's terrifying. But I want to get better, for everyone's sake." "We'll help you every step of the way, we all want you to get better. When you're ready to tell your parents, they'll be understanding. We're all here for you Liam, I really hope you know that.

Liam's POV-

Today has been such a whirlwind of emotions, and now all of the sudden me and Del are together, which makes this sting a lot less. I mean, I'm still mentally sick and I need to get better, but with her and everyone else rooting for me, I feel like I can do it. We pulled up to the apartment and my heart lept into my throat.

"I can't do this, I can't put the guys through this. God knows they've been here for me since I met them. but I can't put them through all of this. Zayn is already scared half to death for me, and it's all too much. Del, I'm just sick of putting everyone through all this shit." "They accept you Liam, no matter what. You've trusted them with your life this far, and they're always gonna be here for you. You can do this, I believe in you." She gave my hand a light squeeze and we made our way into the apartment.

Niall's POV-

Liam walked into the door, his eyes red and puffy. He gave us a weak smile and sat on the couch. Del stood behind the couch, looking at us with somber eyes. It's so painful to see someone like Liam go through this, he's really such a good guy, I have no idea why he has to go through this, it kills me so much to see my best friend going through this, he doesn't deserve it.

"Um, well you guys know my prognosis. I''m on anti depressants and anti psychotic pills, along with the anxiety medicine and the sleeping pills. You already know about the night terrors and the anxiety, the depression and suicidal thoughts as well. I guess all those things aren't as bad as the fact that I'm schizophrenic. I didn't tell you guys about the hallucinations, about all the other psychotic shit going on in my head. I've worried all of you too much, and god knows you guys are too good for me, I really don't deserve people like you in my life."

The room was surrounded by silence, and it was all rather smothering. I hate the fact that Liam feels like he doesn't matter, when he's got so many people that care about him. The guy has gone through so much, and he's helped everyone through a lot, I would take his place in a heart beat if I could.

"Liam, you've been my best friend since I can remember. We've done a lot of bad shit together, we were pretty crazy back in the day. But you're a good buy, and you can get better. I'd trade you places if I could, because I know you're a good person, no matter how many layers have to be peeled back. You're like a brother to me, we've lived together since we were sixteen, and you're the only person I knew that didn't think I was a shitty person. We've been though a lot man, and I know you can do this." Zayn was the first to finally speak, his voice thick with emotion. He wasn't the type to cry, but seeing the current situation he had every right to, everyone in this room does.

Zayn's POV-

Liam nodded, getting up from the couch and hugging me. "Thank you for dealing with my shit for so long, I don't know how you do it. I know I'm a handful, but you've always put me in my place when I need it. You don't sugar coat things with me either. You're the realest person I know, thanks for that." He said, then looked out to everyone else. "I know you guys haven't known me long." He went on, gesturing to Louis, Harry, and Delilah, "But you guys are awesome for being friends with someone who's as crazy as I am. And Niall, you've been dealing with me since high school, so props to you. You all deserve something for having to deal with me, and what I'm gonna give you is a promise. I'm gonna promise to try my hardest to get better, to kick all this shit right out the window. It's gonna take a lot, but that's my promise to you guys, alright?"

We all nodded, and Louis finally spoke up. "And our promise to you is to always be here, whenever you need to talk, we'll be here so you can let go. We'll be here to listen, to help you through it. We'll try our hardest to understand what you're going through, even if we've never been through it ourselves. We won't get angry with you, because healing takes patience. Okay?" Liam looked around the room, looking at all of us. "No breaking these, alright?" He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Nope, this is a pact between all of us. Hands in?" Harry said, putting his hand in the middle of the little circle we were all in.

We all put our hands in, one on top of the other. "Here's to all of us, keeping promises about all the serious things that we're going through. If these promises are to be broken, you will be beheaded. Alright guys, here's to healing!" Niall yelled, and we all laughed. Here's to the long run, helping my best friend get back to being happy.

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