Chapter 22

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Release Day

Zayn's POV-

Liam's finally coming home. He's actually getting out on time, which honestly shocks me because I expected him to choked the life out of someone and end up in prison. I wasn't doubting him, but I know his tolerance levels, and like I said, I'm pleasantly surprised that he didn't bludgeon someone. Me, the guys and Del came up with the money to get this fancy rental car to pick him up in, because this is a big deal. It's the kid's first lick of freedom in a month, and we're gonna make sure he knows how proud we are of him for coming this far and getting his ass home as early as possible.

"Is everything ready?" Del asked as I tossed her the keys. "Yeah, everything's in order. The reservations are still on and we need to leave as soon as possible." I said, and the guys emerged from my room. "All good to go, let's go free Liam from that damned facility." Niall said, and we made our way out the door.

We decided to let Del drive because she's the only one who's semi focused, and for a girl she's a good driver. "You know, I bet people are gonna think we're picking up some celebrity, when really it's just Liam. That would be hilarious, I mean just imagine people thinking that some whack job celebrity was being released today instead of Liam." Louis said, throwing his head back in laughter.

That got me thinking about if Liam were famous. He's humble, so if he were famous he wouldn't be a total douche bag like 90% of the celebrities of today. People would still doubt him though, because of what's going on now. People would wrongly judge him and be like, "Oh, that's the kid with the drug problem." Like he's some sort of criminal. Liam is actually a really talented guy, so he could very well of been famous if he wanted to. I'm happy he isn't though, because if that were the case things would be crazy for him right now.

"Zayn, where are you right now?" Harry asked, nudging me out of my thoughts. "I don't know, I was just thinking about if Liam were a celebrity. I got a little carried away I guess, sorry for spacing." I apologized. "No need to be sorry man, it happens." I don't know why it was such an in depth idea for me, but I guess that's just how it is. Like I said, I'm happy it's all just a figment of my imagination, because things would be awful right now given the circumstances.

I banished all those thoughts and engaged in conversation with the guys about Liam's coming home, about how he's finally going to be away from all of those therapists and doctors and all the sterility of the facility. He can finally be back in his room, that he surprisingly cleaned before he left. Best of all, he'll be healthy, he'll be okay.

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