Chapter 13

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Delilah's POV-

I had spent Sunday night at Liam's apartment, he asked me to stay the night so I agreed. I'm not sure exactly where we stand, but I'm positive we're not dating. We haven't kissed or anything, but we did sleep in his bed together last night. I felt safe in his arms, like nothing could ever hurt me. Cuddling with him is nice, he's so warm and I love the way we fit together like puzzle pieces. I'm getting ahead of myself, I'm sure he doesn't want me in that way. But he did ask me to stay the night here.. I'm confused as ever, I've never had a relationship with someone that way I do with Liam.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of Liam's phone blaring, and he rolled over to pick it up. He looks downright adorable, his hair a fluffy mess, his every muscle contracting as he finally snuggled back into me with his phone in hand. "Hello?" He answered, his voice deep and filled with tiredness. How is he so damned charming? It's like he doesn't even try.

His face fell at whatever words came through the phone. "Yeah-uh, I'll be there soon. I'm on my way now." He said, getting off of the phone and hastily making his way off the bed. "What's wrong Liam, is everything alright?" I asked, worry taking over me. "Uh my, my test results came back today, the doctor wants me to come as soon as I can, it's urgent." He said, worry spreading over his perfect features. "I'll come with, if that's okay?" "Yeah, please. That would be great. And- uh, thanks for staying last night, it means a lot."

He pulled a shirt over his bare, inked chest. He looked so good, with and without clothes. He pulled sweatpants over his black boxers, flushing slightly when he saw me checking him out. "Oh-uh, sorry." I apologized, my cheeks heating immediately. "It's alright, no one can resist the Payno." He laughed as I punched him lightly on the arm. "Guess not, huh?" I teased, walking into the kitchen with him.

 When the guys saw us, they all went wide eyed. "Something wrong boys?" I smiled, leaning into Liam. "N-Nothing. Everything's peachy." Niall smiled, looking from Liam to me before finally averting his eyes and eating his waffles. Liam wanted to get to the hospital as soon as possible. I can tell he's afraid, I can see it in his eyes. He grabbed an apple and some granola bars, handing them to me, then he grabbed some for himself.

When we got in the car he stared out the windshield for a minute, his grip on the steering wheel turning his knuckles white. I touched his shoulder softly, and he softened a bit. "Liam, I know you're scared, it's okay. I'm here, so are the boys. We all want you to be okay, just calm down." I whispered, and he finally sat back. "What if I really am crazy, what if they diagnose me? I don't want to be like that Del, I wanna change." "You can Liam, I know you can. You're strong, and you'll get through this."

We got to the hospital and Liam checked in with the receptionist. "Are you family of Liam's" She asked, giving me a sideways glance. "No, but I'm here as moral support." "You can't go back there." She said, her tone clipped. "No, she has to come with me, I can't do this on my own." Liam whispered, his grip on my hand tightening slightly. Thankfully his doctor walked up. "Sheryl, Liam needs support right now, his girlfriend can come back if that's what he wants." He smiled, and my cheeks flushed. I liked the sound of that, I wonder if Liam did too.

Liam's POV-

The doctor took us back into his office, and I saw prescription bottles with my name on them. "Um, doc-uh, what are those?" I said, pointing to the medication. "Well, we've got you on anti depressants and anxiety control pills. Then we've got the sleep pills, and-uh." He stopped short, a sad look in his eyes. "What is it doc?" I asked, my throat closing. Oh god no, please don't let this last one be back. "We have you on anti psychotic pills, for your.. Schizophrenia. I'm so sorry Liam, I really am." He said, looking at the papers on his desk.

"N-No, this is all just another bad dream. This can't be happening. I-I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy." I said, the tears welling up in my eyes. Anger flooded me, and I couldn't handle this. The room was spinning, getting smaller every time I opened my eyes to see if I was dreaming. No, I can't be a psycho, I'm not. I'm just deprived, but I'm not fucking crazy. This isn't happening. "I-I need to call Zayn, he needs to know." Del and the doctor nodded, and I excused myself.

"Z-Zayn, it's bad. The- The doctor told me that I'm- that I'm schizophrenic. I'm scared, Zayn, I can't do this, I can't fucking do it." I choked into the receiver, trying to keep the tears from coming. "Liam, it's gonna be alright-" "No Zayn, it's not! I'm a fucking psycho, I'm a depressed psycho! I'm officialy on four different meds and I can't take this! I just want this shit to end Zayn, I don't want to be here anymore." I yelled, the anger finally escaping. I cried, the tears choking me. Dammit, I'm such a weakling, crying into the phone like this.

"Liam, please. Maybe they can cure you. Don't give up yet, please. We need you Liam, we care about you. The others are here, do you want to talk to them?" "No, I will when I get home. I-I'm sorry for yelling at you, I just don't know what to do. I'm scared Zayn, so fucking afraid." "It's gonna be okay. I'll see you later Payno, keep your head up. We love you." 

I walked back into the office and looked at the doctor. "Can I go? I'll take the meds and read over the dosage myself. Can we please go?" I looked at him, and he shifted. "Amy wants to see you for a session today, she wants you to speak to her about today's discovery." "No, not today. I just want to go home. We're going to leave now." I said, taking Del's hand and walking out of the office.

"Liam, I'm here for you. The doctor said they may be able to reverse the schizophrenia, but even if they can't, I'll always be here for you. I'm not gonna leave now, friends don't do that to each other." She said, sadness in her voice. It's like she could read me like a book, like she could see through me. I stopped dead in my tracks at her words, then, in the heat of the moment, I kissed her. 

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