Chapter 21

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Week 2

Liam's POV-

Monday came along and I laid on the bed waiting for my turn to call. I didn't know whether to call Amy or all of my friends, but rumor has it that we do get to call our therapist and have out one call. I don't know if that's the god's honest truth, but I'm hoping so. Grayson, our blocks guard, opened the door and I jumped up from the bed. "Payne, it's your turn." He said, a slight smile on his face. We get along really well, which is shocking because I hate all the other guards. "So is it true that we have to check in with our therapists then we get our actual call?" I asked, hope evident in my voice. "Yep. Word gets around fast here, we were trying to keep that under wraps.

I couldn't contain my grin as I walked up to the phone, dialing Amy's number. I looked at the clock, four o'clock on the dot. "Hello?" "Amy, it's Liam. Uh- I really need your help getting some things fixed. I don't feel like I'm getting better. I hate my roommate and my new therapist, I just want something to change." "I can talk to them, hopefully they'll go for it. They have some pretty amazing therapists there, they should be able to get someone who fits your liking." "Alright, well thanks. That's all though, so I'll talk to you whenever I need to." "Alright, take it easy Liam."

I hung up the phone and picked it up again to call Zayn. I could see him, Del and the guys huddled around the phone, waiting for me to call. "Liam? Oh my god guys, it's Liam!" Zayn yelled, and commotion commenced. "Alright guys, calm down. I'm okay, well other than the fact that I miss you guys, but I guess I'll live." "We miss you too bro, every day. But you'll be back in no time, stay strong bro, we love you." "God, you guys have me emotional over here. I love you guys too, you're all amazing for putting up with my crap. I'll be back soon though, to harass you guys, since that's my job."

They handed off the phone, and it finally got to Del. "Liam, I miss you so much. I can't wait to see you, only three more weeks. I've been coming over every day to check on these hooligans and make sure they haven't burned the apartment down." "I miss you too Del, so much it hurts. Thank god you've checked on them, I'm actually afraid to leave them alone. Those two will do anything to destroy the apartment."

"I went through your CD collection, you've changed quite a bit over the years. I like your taste though, you've got a good ear." "You listen to music like that? Jesus Christ, that makes you so much hotter. Well, I'll talk to you on Wednesday, I'm calling my parents tomorrow." "I love you Liam, see you soon." "Love you too Del, it's not goodbye, just see you soon."

I hung up the phone and went back to my room. Landon was sitting there with this stupid ass look on his face. "So how'd your phone call go?" "As if you actually care." I waved him off, laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling. I folded my arms under my head and closed my eyes. Two more weeks in this hell, surrounded by people I have come to loathe. Like I said, the only person who I actually like here is Jake, because he gets my situation. 

After a while I got my IPod and plugged in my headphones. We got our electronics back this morning and I was over the moon. I shuffled my music and went back to staring at the ceiling. I thought about these past few months, about how drastically my life has changed. I mean, I went from partying and all that shit and now I'm in this goddamned facility. I've met some pretty amazing people along the way though, like Louis, Harry, and Del. In the grand scheme of things, it's getting better. I'll be fine though, I can live with this.

Delilah's POV-

After Liam called, I went home to think about all of this. I really am grateful that Liam is doing all of this, that he's on the road to recovery. I miss him more every day though, not having him around is no fun. It's just weird, how this all came about. I never really expected to fall for someone like him, but here I am.

The thing is, I know deep down that he's a good person. He's getting past this stuff though, going through the motions of existence. He's just a guy with some problems, and he's trying to fix himself for the greater good. When I walked into that history class, I never thought I'd go for him, but when I shook his hand that day and felt the shock pass through me, I knew. 

When I got to my dorm that night, I didn't talk much because I couldn't get him off my mind. Chelsea, my roommate, had asked me countless times what was going on with me, but I just couldn't form the words to explain it to her. I mean, she's my best friend, but there are certain things you can't tell anyone until you've confirmed what's going on in your head. 

A week or so later, I finally told her. She went on the whole "My little Del is growing up." thing. I was a shy girl in high school, I didn't really get out much unless Chelsea was forcing me to go to parties or things like that. I've had a couple boyfriends, but I've never felt for them like I feel for Liam. 


I got home from Liam's, Chelsea was sitting on the edge of her bed, a devilish grin on her face. "Hey, what's with the look on your face? You look like you're gonna kill someone." I joked, putting my things down and sitting on my bed. "Well, how was your little date with Liam?" "It was really nice, all we did was talk and joke around. He told me about his life and you know, we get along really well. I really like him, he's not who everyone says he is."

"So what is he like then?" She raised her eyebrows, as if she was questioning my sanity. "He's a sweet guy. He's not a bad person, like people make him out to be. They see a distorted image of him, they don't see him for the person he really is. He's a good guy, he's just had it rough. Everyone has bad times, and he's trying to get over his." I explained, crossing my arms. I don'y know why I was so keen on defending him, but everyone deserves a chance. 

"Alright, no need to get like that with me. I just- I guess I fed into all the things I heard about him and let his appearance get the best of me. I'm sorry for passing wrong judgement on him, it was wrong of me." "It's fine, sorry for getting pissy with you. Just give him a chance, he really is a good guy. I wouldn't've went over there if I thought he was some sort of ax murderer." That got a laugh out of her, which was a sign that she wasn't mad at me.

We spent the rest of the night talking, and she said she was seeing some kid too, which was good because then she couldn't complain if I was never home. I didn't really know what Liam and I were, but I guess I could find out.


 Now I finally understand why I was so keen on defending him, why I got so pissed off with Chelsea for passing judgment on someone she didn't even know. It's because I don't just love Liam, I'm in love with him. I'm so in love with him it hurts, and I want the best for him. I'm in love with Liam Payne and his fucked up past.

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